I tend to snip and save charts, graphs, and tables and save them to my photo library. I created this topic to share a few of them here. No theme and, unfortunately, often little context or sourcing. No warranty expressed or implied.
It is clear from this chart that:
a) unmarried democrat men have better reproductive opportunities; and
b) unmarried republican men have higher selection pressures, so this cohort may be growing more competent long-term
Selection pressures – as in: I don’t want anything to do with a woman who has been processed through US higher education – so do I look for a bride in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Russia, Brazil, Colombia? That is a tough selection pressure.
Nah, that won’t work. They’ll just be informed by the TV, radio, Internet and other women and before long it’s like they were living in the US their whole lives.
I refer you to Eddie Murphy’s 1987 comedy album, “Raw”, and the “Half” routine.
It is clear from this chart that:
a) unmarried democrat men have better reproductive opportunities; and
b) unmarried republican men have higher selection pressures, so this cohort may be growing more competent long-term
(a) may be true but but Democrat men have to deal with a lot of mental illness. Worth it? I say no.
Regarding (b): The obvious gap is between married and unmarried women. So do sensible women marry sensible men, or do they become more sensible as a consequence of marriage? I know the Democrat women would say the gap is evidence of The Patriarchy [TM]. But they are mentally ill so who cares what they think?