The turning point comes, it has

Rhymes with…as Limbaugh loved to say when referencing George Lackoff.

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Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.

Notably, the immunity acquired from infection did appear to wane more slowly than the immunity from two doses of an mRNA vaccine.


I think people learn even more about driving from a car crash than from a driving school. Immune system similarly ‘learns’ a lot from a sickness - but the whole point of vaccines is to have the learning without the damage, both acute as well as Long Covid.


Vaporizing $20 Trillion from the economy, no biggie.

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Well, it is the Harvard Medical School. They are not so good at telling a male from a female, and not good at all about arithmetic.

For ease of calculation, lets assume that one in five US adults translates to approximately 20 Million people (a bit low, I know – but I am excluding undocumented migrants). Divide $20 Trillion by a mere 20 Million people => each adult with “long covid” has cost $1,000,000 in health expense, lost productivity, and lost well being? Not particularly credible!

But maybe I am wrong. Maybe those barista jobs that graduates of feminist angst degrees get are paid much better than I thought – and generate more revenue too.


Actually it’s not so far off the official Value of Life estimates used to calibrate economic costs of engineering risks:

The value of life is an economic value used to quantify the benefit of avoiding a fatality. It is also referred to as the cost of life, value of preventing a fatality (VPF), implied cost of averting a fatality (ICAF), and value of a statistical life (VSL). In social and political sciences, it is the marginal cost of death prevention in a certain class of circumstances. In many studies the value also includes the quality of life, the expected life time remaining, as well as the earning potential of a given person especially for an after-the-fact payment in a wrongful death claim lawsuit.

In Western countries and other liberal democracies, estimates for the value of a statistical life typically range from US$1 million—US$10 million; for example, the United States FEMA estimated the value of a statistical life at US$7.5 million in 2020.

I like to flip these calculations and show the human lives lost for funding silly government projects.


The COVID scare seems to be deflating faster than a shot-down Chinese balloon. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the ridiculous masking and lockdown measures are now quietly being called out for what they really were: a massive own-goal we chose to score for no particular upside.

Alas, there remains a “long tail” of hard core belief in the magical amulet protection capabilities of the interventions, similar to fully masked drivers you can see driving alone in many US metropolitan areas. But hey, we can hope they’ll come to their senses eventually, right?

Now, some believe that once lockdowns at scale for imaginary reasons were accepted, they became a tool available for all sorts of future purposes. Like “climate change,” for example. But personally, I think that’s just a bunch of hogwash. Unless, of course, you count the “climate” inside my ex-wife’s car!


I’m one of the people who believes the lockdowns and our satisfactory docility were just a rehearsal……but I’m glad to see your opposing POV, and golly, do I ever hope you’re right.


This is what I call the concept of “Slave Lives”. That calculation also comes out with the lifetime earnings of a median income worker in the U.S. on the order of US$ 1 million.


Very interesting! It looks like a case of consilience of inductions:

The mark of a good theory lies not in the relationship between the theory and its data in a single narrow application, but in the way it succeeds in ‘tying together’ separate inductions. A good theory is like a tree that puts out runners that grow into new trees, until there is a huge forest of mutually sustaining trees. The ‘tying together’ can be achieved in either of two ways: (a) The theory accommodates one set of data, and then predicts data of a different kind. (b) The theory accommodates two kinds of data separately, and then finds that the magnitudes in the separate inductions agree, or that the laws that hold in each case ‘jump together’. Whewell describes both kinds of cases as leading to a consilience of inductions.


The announcement on Tuesday indicated a shift away from the two-dose vaccine schedule that has become the standard throughout the U.S. when it comes to mRNA vaccination. Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine was originally the only authorized shot in the U.S. that was administered in a single dose.

According to the FDA, individuals who haven’t gotten a bivalent shot yet or haven’t gotten vaccinated at all are still eligible for a dose, but those who have received a single dose already are “not currently eligible for another dose.”

(emphasis mine)


Knowing what we now know about the CovidScam and about the experimental treatments, it is hard to imagine why any sentient being would agree to an mRNA “vaccination”.


These charts by Ethical Skeptic have received a lot of attention recently.

Assigning causality is a difficult thing to do, and I can think of several confounds, but the magnitude of these effects seems decisive. Are there any obvious flaws in his analysis?


Very nice data analysis, although the interpretations suffer from group-think. Long Covid overloads and suppresses the immune system, and it’s immune system that fights cancers. Furthermore, the health system is overloaded as a result, both due to medical staff disproportionately suffer the impact of the virus, as well as have to manage the increasing numbers of the sick.

It’s been known for more than a decade that SARS/Covid family of viruses are really tricky for vaccines – so the beneficial effect has limited duration, and there are some downsides to vaccination. However, large-scale evaluations of vaccine effect highlight a (small) positive effect on a quantitative sample of quarter million people’s health monitors:


Let us examine the first two sentences of the abstract. Note call-outs are mine.

Vaccines are among the most powerful tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic1. They are highly effective against infection2 and substantially reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, ICU admission, and death2.

  1. Evidence for this assertion is not presented in the paper. All cited references in the paper are studies of vaccine efficacy and do not compare their effectiveness versus other strategies, including doing nothing.

  2. No evidence for this assertion is presented in the paper or addressed by the study.


Have any studies attempted to distinguish the effects of long covid from the effects of mRNA vaccination? Given that the slightest condemnation of the vaccines is considered heresy, I wonder if the medical establishment is not biased to misinterpret the effects of mRNA vaccination as “long covid”.


The value of the wearable sensor paper is not immunology - it’s large scale data analysis. The authors are physicists, and I agree with you that they shouldn’t be making broad statements outside their area of expertise. Nonetheless, their common-sense analysis of data should be appealing to the audience on this forum. The impact of vaccines is far smaller than argued by the proponents, yet does seem to be overall leaning positive.

As for myocarditis induced by vaccine vs C19, there’s a fair bit of research about that. Here’s two starting points:


I’m not sure I believe this. Seems to me the myocarditis results are showing up in excessive amounts in people like AF and Army pilots, so of the more “fit” people about. Not much reason to find myocarditis in an otherwise young and healthy pilot.


Steve Sailer pitches in:

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Here’s his analysis:


The vaccine was not pushed out to the otherwise healthy (other than health care workers) until later in 2021.

A decent number would not have received the vaccine in 2021, let alone the booster which really has consequences (ask Elon), and had time for symptoms to develop.

At the end of 2021 73% of the US population had at least one dose.