“This was—er, is—a man!”

After hounding his enemy Brutus to death, Shakespeare’s Marc Anthony intones over his foe’s corpse:
“His life was gentle, and the elements
So mixed in him that Nature might stand up
And say to all the world, ‘This was a man’ “.

Thats how we’re seeing the Dementocrats talk now over Ol’Bygone, cep’n: he ain’t dead yet. AWK-ward.

Last week, in Trump, we had a martyr who didn’t die!
And this week in Biden we have a much-mourned elder statesman, garnering the eulogies and tributes traditionally reserved for a state funeral—while lo, yet he lives!

Fitzgerald famously said “There are no second acts in American lives.” Mebbe not, but: there ARE revivals!
Don’t let anybody tell ya there’s no such thing s life after death!