Two Girls for Every Boy

OK, the Beach Boys got it wrong. It seems – from a study of DNA in about 450 individuals – that about 8,000 years ago it was 17 girls for every boy … at least, when it came to reproduction. Things changed as history moved forwards: “In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man.

Maybe there is something in the concept of hypergamy after all? Maybe human groups behave more like certain animal populations, with the Alpha male responsible for impregnating all the females? Maybe the post-Industrial Revolution situation of roughly equal numbers of males & females reproducing is a historical anomaly? Maybe this (female-led) study has made some serious misunderstandings?

This all brings us back to the question that Far Lefties with their focus on the here-and-now never address – what is the true basis of a genuinely “sustainable” society … sustainable over scores of generations?

8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man - Pacific Standard (


Hypergamy definitely is real and substantial. Whether one wants to admit is a different story.

Edit: more boys than girls mean more problems for society





JD Vance should welcome their data to the ADUC of The Foundation World Model!

May the best worldview win!

PS: You could of course:

or you could start where I was 3 decades ago with Race, Gender and the Frontier or read KMac’s Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition for a more scholarly treatment of monogamy in the evolution of individualism.

Or you could follow Bronze Age Pervert’s take on “The Longhouse” culture that accompanied the expansion of agriculture 8000 years ago – which was a terminal euphoria for mesopredators since they were eventually slaughtered by an alliance between the WHG (Vanir) and Yamnaya (Aesir) for having overgrazed the WHG.

And, no, it’s not the post industrial situation that created a lower female to male reproductive ratio. It was the expansion of humans into northern climates. The introduction of agriculture did its damage of course – it still is – but having little court sycophants going out and fucking the wives of men they collect taxes from on behalf of “His Serene Highness” isn’t exactly the same as an African Big Man fucking all the women while sneaky betas fuck each other and occasionally fuck one of the Big Man’s “bitches”.

See: “American Pimp”

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One of the intriguing aspects of claiming that 17 females passed on their genes for each male is that multi-generational reproductive success depends on a lot more than impregnation. Obviously, the whole process starts there – but that is not the end, and certainly was not the end 8,000 years ago.

Some historians have estimated that in Roman times maintaining the population required each woman to produce about 10 babies over her life-span – because about 8 of them would die as babies/children/young adults before they could in turn breed the following generation.

There is an implication that not only were a minority of men doing a lot of impregnating, but that the children those men fathered had a higher chance of surviving to breeding age than the offspring of other males. Now that would be Natural Selection! With the harem-sized 17 to 1 ratio, it could not have been simply a case of that man having been a better provider for his expansive family.

We all applaud the very low death rate among babies & children these days. Indeed, it is used as a measure of civilization. But maybe that successful coin has another darker side?

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Civilization isn’t natural selection Gavin. Human agency plays a huge part in establishing its seleciton regime. You’re just going to have to give up on this even if you succeed in tiring me out by repetition of your fallacy or by having civilization fall apart at the seams because you convince people that civilization’s evolutionary selection regime is “natural”.

Get a load of this “natural” selection which would terminate in a picosecond if the natural state of affiars – single combat to the death – were enforced by civilization:

Why Do Conservatives Sanctify Women?

March 10, 2010 by CH

Reader LoboSolo sent me this article by conservative writer Paul Greenberg extolling the “innate superiority” of women.

I’ve never been much of a believer in historical theories about the Indispensable Man. There may be some examples — Washington, Lincoln, Moses — but they are few. But the indispensable woman, I believe in. Call it Greenberg’s Law: Women are the innately superior sex. My theory may not be backed by any scientific evidence, but it’s something every man has surely felt. At least if he’s got a lick of sense. […]

When it comes to great truths, each generation shouldn’t have to work them out by itself. They don’t have to be written down, any more than the English constitution is. Every boy soon learns that women seem to know intuitively what the weaker male sex may grasp only by effort and education. Which is why it requires marriage and family to civilize the male animal. He needs a woman’s tutelage.

Greenberg tells a story, among others, which purports to demonstrate unassailable female virtue:

Brighter boys learn the lesson of female superiority early; dimmer ones may never catch on. A story: It was homecoming weekend many years ago in Pine Bluff, Ark., and a clump of us stood on Main Street waiting for the black college’s high-stepping marching band to come striding by, drum major and majorettes and 76 trombones and all.

A venturesome little boy in the group stepped off the curb to look way up the street — where the little girl on the Sunbeam Bread sign, a local landmark, still swings endlessly to and fro. Way in the distance, the boy spotted the prancing majorettes throwing their batons high, higher, highest, catching them on the beat. “Wow!” he exclaimed, returning to report what he’d seen. His conclusion: “Girls have to know so many things!”

Lovely stories, Mr. Greenberg. Now let me tell you a story.

I’ve seen things you gullible chumps wouldn’t believe. Married women’s loins on fire off the rumpled sheets of my bed. A feminine Russian woman, her buttocks turned in my direction, sweetly asking me if I’d “like to do her in the ass” as her cell phone rings with the plaintive wail of her husband seeking her whereabouts. I’ve watched nipples harden in the dark near the cathedral gate, and behind the rectory doors. I’ve lain with the most virtuous women you could imagine — caring women who “have to know so many things” and who give dollars to homeless bums and who tear up during sad scenes in the movies — who freely allowed my member to violate them in every conceivable way in their husband’s and boyfriend’s beds, their writhing bodies, ecstatic moans, and gushing furrows testament to the lustful abandon with which they unshackled themselves of that other conservative virtue, fidelity. I once counseled the most darling woman — a young woman so exquisitely gentle and winsome I’d dare any man not to fall instantly for her — to stop her flowing tears for our doomed affair and, there on the sidewalk in midday, to return to her husband at her apartment which was two blocks down the street; the husband who, through years of his toil and love, put a roof over her underemployed head in one of the ritzier neighborhoods of the city. I have made love — God’s highest expression of devotion to His creation — with women in the company of small woodland creatures, scandalized roommates, and children who were, as best we dared, out of earshot of our erotic rustlings. I have witnessed women, caught in the snare of irrefutable evidence damning their supposed virtue, lie with the effortlessness of a soulless sociopath. In the moment of release, when we come closest to touching the Hand of God, I have been instructed by a wondrously virtuous woman to “rape her” and to “do it like you mean it”. Her screams of howling joy — pain or pleasure I could not tell — to this day echo in my memories. And, most enlightening of all, I have seen wives and girlfriends, their hearts once filled with seemingly endless and nourishing love, cruelly turn on their daft former lovers with a vengeance unmatched by even a wronged God. Such as the time a sizzlingly sexy brunette whose mouth I was gracing with the metaphorical appendage of God’s divine love answered a phone call, mid-oral delight, from her ex-fiancee (who it should be noted was recovering from a mental breakdown) to thank him for purchasing a $5,000 Tempur-Pedic mattress delivered to her apartment two weeks earlier. Her thank you’s sounded surprisingly sincere for a woman whose free hand was simultaneously cradling the fleshy pod holding the life-giving seed of another man.

All those moments will be lost in time, Mr. Greenberg, like tears in rain.

What is it with conservatives and their willful blindness to the true nature of women? Pedestalization of the Other (and its many permutations, c.f. “noble savage”, “gaiaism”, “diversity”, and “na’vi”) is a sickening act of self-abasement; a desperate denial that one could possibly be right when one has been so badly wronged, or that a wrongdoer could possibly be as bad as the facts attest. Perhaps those who engage in this sort of faith-based pedestalization of women are deathly afraid to confront the reality of female nature because it would impose on their tidy worldview. Perhaps they need a savior, in the form of women, like of god, to compartmentalize the darkness and symbolize something to aspire to. After all, if women are just as bad as men, where does that leave the sensitive man? Stuck now with double the responsibility to guard oneself against predation by both sexes, and to discard to the ash heap cherished notions of the fairer sex. Does this sound familiar? If you thought “beta”, you’d be right.

Where conservatives sanctify women, liberals demonize men. Not all conservatives and not all liberals, but enough of them that a valid generalization can be made. Whether sanctifying women or demonizing men, the end result is the same: laws, policies, and cultural beliefs that are anti-male, and which we in the West are soaking in today.

I believe the conservative’s and liberal’s instincts toward women can be explained by contrasting the peculiar life conditions of both:

  • Conservatives, having grown up in larger, more intact families than liberals, and being thus surrounded by more sisters, aunts, and female cousins on a daily basis, are loathe to imagine those female relatives could be the alpha cock-hungry animals inside that they really are. Liberals, meanwhile, hailing from broken homes and guided under the tutelage of man-hating single moms with a revolving bedroom door, find it easier to grasp the amoral nature of women.
  • Conservatives have less sexual experience with women than do liberals. I would not be surprised if it was discovered that liberal men lost their virginity at an earlier age than conservative men. Nothing teaches like experience.
  • Conservatives believe women are morally child-like compared to men, that women are the weaker sex, and so cannot be held accountable for their actions. Liberals, who see white male oppression behind every human group difference, are more likely to individualize a woman’s bad actions and politicize a man’s bad actions.
  • Conservatives are ashamed of their base desires. Thus, they recoil at the thought that the women they desire might share the same debased thoughts that they do. Liberals, by contrast, are proud of their base desires. And so they are more accepting of the knowledge that women are as depraved as men.
  • Religious conservatives fear sex for its power to distract from god. It is better for them that women are thought of as empty vessels incapable of making sex-based calculations in their decisions. Secular liberals love sex for its power to distract from considering the merits of any moral code. It is better for them that women are thought of as sex-possessed tankgrrls ready to rumble across the Vaginot Line of mind-body liberation.
  • Conservatives invest more in the idea of family than do liberals. A wanton woman is a grave threat to that idea, graver than even a wanton man, for reasons clearly elucidated by evolutionary biology. Ergo, women cannot possibly be as wanton as men.
  • Conservative women are busier being pregnant and/or fatter than liberal women, and are thus less frequently able to act wantonly. This may skew conservative men’s impressions of women to being something more positive than it really is.
  • Conservatives by temperament are drawn to the beautiful. Liberals by temperament are drawn to the degraded. Conservatives have trouble tainting with dark knowledge the beauty of a woman in her prime. Liberals relish the thought that a beautiful young woman would wallow in the mud just as enthusiastically as they do.

As a man who is drawn to both the beautiful and the degraded, my aim is to act as a bridge between conservative men and liberal men, holding the liberal’s hand tenderly to the conservative’s crotch. I shall bring understanding between the two mortal enemies, and together we shall march into the nearest bar, our minds fortified with the knowledge of women’s true natures and our hearts swollen with masculine conceit, and lay waste to that place, claiming battalions of pussy for our own. Without excuse, without apology. Without god, whether supernatural or political.

Women are vile creatures at heart, just as men are. An ugly truth, Mr. Greenberg, which even God can’t shield you from. Don’t let the batting eyelashes fool you.


And before Gavin gets in here with his :slightly_smiling_face: suggesting something or other about my motives being based on my personal desire for a harem or some other way of debasing my honor, just let me preempt the whole thing with this:

While Heartiste is probably exaggerating somewhat for effect, he is actually portraying things in a way that comports with my own experience.

There, I said it…

Now, I’m no longer a whiny beta INCEL – and therefore to be ignored but I’ve joined the ranks of the scum who have taken advantage civilization’s degradation in the age of women’s “liberation”. Right?


The moment I stumbled upon the Heartiste-view of “civilization” it scared the hell out of me – something about being the object of sexual desire of women because they perceived me as the object of sexual desire of other women scared the hell out of me.

I could see what was happening.


Not to gainsay anything that you have written or quoted, jabowery, but how does the wanton nature of women explain that 8,000 years ago world in which DNA is interpreted as saying one man was serially & uniquely impregnating 17 women? (It had to be serially because the death rate among children was so high).

If it was merely the case that all those long-ago women simply wanted to get it on, would they not have been much more promiscuous and therefore also have had children fathered by other males when Chad #1 was otherwise engaged?

Not sure if this is relevant – but I recall once seeing a program about feral cats. Apparently, the dominant male cat in an area will service numbers of female cats in his domain. When the dominant cat is pushed out by a more aggressive male, the first thing the new boss cat does is to kill all the kittens fathered by the previous boss car. Obvious benefits for increasing the presence of his particular genes in the next generation. Could some similar 8,000 years ago human behavior have been part of that strange apparent 17:1 ratio?

I’ve heard the same thing about lions: kill all the lion cubs fathered by other male lions

I’m not sure if I’m using the right animal terminology but you get the idea

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I shouldn’t have to revisit something I wrote about over 30 years ago over and over again after already citing it multiple times. It’s tiresome. Pubescent girls of all sexes and ages in scholars’ bodies will, of course, ignore human biodiversity and its relationship to climate if it provides an excuse to regress to their Chimpanzee Human Last Common Ancestor instincts since those are more deeply ingrained, after 6 million years of gang-oriented evolution, than is the more recent recovery of individual integrity – evolved over 600 million years – among northern hunter-gatherers, following on the domestication of the wolf.

And note that primate gangster polygyny is fundamentally different from pre-gangster polygyny in that it increasingly involves not just conspiracy, perverting the use of cognitive capacity, but also psychological manipulation of conspirators by “alpha” manipulators – an even greater travesty of “cognition” to parasitically castrate others to mere extended phenotypes toward the eusocial hive.

A Brave New World If You Can Keep It

Agricultural expansion 8000 years ago expanded the capacity of parasitic castration by “alpha” manipulators who are best characterized as the tax farmers I previously mentioned as serving “His Serene Highness”. There is, in fact, DNA evidence that the apex predators (royalty) of this period were not the ones spreading their genes but were, rather, more like the victims of monomorium santschii. They were remnants of Western Hunter Gatherers – originally apex predators that would win easily in a fair, one-on-one, mutual hunt in nature.
They had to be either killed or domesticated. The vast majority were killed by agricultural gangsters. The few that survived were driven to the outlands but some were domesticated and kept around like the present day royalty as figure heads while the alpha manipulators spread their genes geared toward deception and manipulation for the purpose of organizing sterile warrior castes.

When the Yamnaya swept through, the alpha manipulators were pushed back and the WHG had a resurgence in Europe.

This is a profoundly religious issue with me as it is my conviction that we have advanced cognition for a purpose: To recognize the long range direction being taken by The Creator and decide how we, as individuals, fit in with that direction as co-creators. You may disagree but then if you do, I really do wish you well OFF PLANET. We don’t need another eusocial species on this one.


Not that I admit to having any idea who this “Heartiste” is, a couple of the favorite comments someone-who-isn’t-me posted there:

From the Infradead to the Ultraviolent
_ _ _ _ CHATEAU HEARTISTE_ _ _ _
Your Full-Spectrum Vibrancy Cure


Caption: Andrea Jawman-Browridge addresses the annual meeting of the International Trans-Lesbian Infibulation and Castration Society (IT-LICS)
CH pic “Demonology”: