JD Vance should welcome their data to the ADUC of The Foundation World Model!
May the best worldview win!
PS: You could of course:
or you could start where I was 3 decades ago with Race, Gender and the Frontier or read KMac’s Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition for a more scholarly treatment of monogamy in the evolution of individualism.
Or you could follow Bronze Age Pervert’s take on “The Longhouse” culture that accompanied the expansion of agriculture 8000 years ago – which was a terminal euphoria for mesopredators since they were eventually slaughtered by an alliance between the WHG (Vanir) and Yamnaya (Aesir) for having overgrazed the WHG.
And, no, it’s not the post industrial situation that created a lower female to male reproductive ratio. It was the expansion of humans into northern climates. The introduction of agriculture did its damage of course – it still is – but having little court sycophants going out and fucking the wives of men they collect taxes from on behalf of “His Serene Highness” isn’t exactly the same as an African Big Man fucking all the women while sneaky betas fuck each other and occasionally fuck one of the Big Man’s “bitches”.
See: “American Pimp”