Ukraine and Russia: War and Consequences

True. It appears Ukraine is losing the war, despite all its efforts, including the invasion of Beloruss. THAT was a risky gambit; it may give Zelensky a pawn with which to negotiate. Russia has also a careful line to walk.

The CIA, OTOH, has apparently lost this fight. No rational president would commit nuclear weapons for the defense of Ukraine. That has already become a lost cause for the USA. Trying to push that scenario will only lead to more hate and discontent. The Dems are already behind in any real poll, and such a move would only decrease any support they may have with marginal groups. If the CIA wants to try to pull their fat out of the fire, they will have to use some other tactic to. accomplish it. I could see a coup replacing Zelensky a la the one they concockted to replace Diem way back. But replacing Zelensky would give them, then, the ability to “negotiate” with Putin.

Let’s not forget Putin is not in any great shape. He has orchestrated an unpopular war that has left a fair number of Russian dead. Russians care about their families too. Some adequate result would at least bolster Putin’s position with the people. Regardless of how you feel about him, he IS sensitive on this subject.

So we have only our own pet idiots to worry about. They might be inclined to use nukes, but the situation does not really allow for us to do that. I believe that so long as we speak of them in the abstract, they are OK, feeling “safe”. When they get exposed the situation changes - a lot. Their biggest strength is in anonymity.


We are in total agreement. But we are thinking rationally, and – whatever motivates Our Betters – rationality certainly is not it.

If the DC Swamp Creatures were thinking rationally, they would look at their largely de-industrialized, deeply-indebted state with its wide-open southern border and largely ill-educated population and say – we have problems to fix at home! The last thing we can afford to do is to run up even more debt to pay for killing Ukrainians & Russians on the other side of the world. Yet Our Betters do the opposite of what would clearly be rational.

Given the Swamp Creatures departure from reason & self-interest, it may be optimistic for us that they will do the smart thing when their foreign proxy war goes pear-shaped. Not that there is anything we could do to stop them making a civilization-ending mistake.


OK, let’s talk nukes and avoid any fear of “civilisation ending scenarios” … which of course do exist but who cares as we will all die.

So let’s get real.

The not MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) scenario which will include nukes up to maybe 200 kt TNT or even larger as there is no definition of a tactical nuke.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki was around 20 kt TNT…
So these tactical nukes will make a loud noise.

There are two scenarios:

  • Russia starts
  • USA starts

The problem for USA or rightly the CIA is that they do not have many targets that make sense OUTSIDE of Russia !!!

However Russia has plenty of targets OUTSIDE of USA that will make a lot of sense.
USA has more than 800 bases and much more depots of equipment.

So the CIA (called it USA or NATO if you wish) is caught on the back foot when we speak about nukes.

So in reality CIA will not use nukes - maybe they will try to sell us the idea that Ukraine will do it - but this is also totally unrealistic.

So the most possible or feasible scenario is that Russia will destroy some military infrastructure within Ukraine … but why as they are winning the conventional war.

The CIA will try to pressure Russia with huge military build up in e.g. Lithuania or Finland or Romania … which they are doing at the moment to try to provoke Russia …

But Russia is getting ready to drop some tactical nukes …

Should we be afraid ?

I would say: No !

Why ?

Because CIA (called it NATO or USA) has no targets for retaliation !!!

Of course this will not be nice for the NATO troops that will get annihilated in a base close to Russia and the “press” will paint Putin as an evil dictator etc etc etc.

Let wait and see …

If you are interested in more info then look at this website.


Self-interest is a funny thing. One lesson from liberty is that one person’s concept of self-interest can be very different than another’s. That said, I would submit the Ruling Elite class has herd-like sense of self-interest. For us it isn’t “rational “ because they have no allegiance to any nation; like the communists before they only acknowledge themselves as important.

So trashing a nation to achieve some goal makes perfect sense to them. They can and do live wherever they wish, and their wealth shields them from any consequences. So eg. they trashed Yugoslavia to get a military base and access to cheap raw materials. And it didn’t cost them anything because America did it on its own dime. If you’re a globalist, what’s not to like.


Here you have Martin Armstrong answer to the Kursk invasion and about tactical nukes …
See my view on this here.
As I explain … this invasion into Russia is so brain dead that it can only be the CIA who has plotted this …


Russia should drop a tactical nuke on the Ukrainian army that has invaded the Kursk region.
This is totally safe from any international critic.
Russia explodes a nuke on its own territory !!!


If the CIA had been involved, three Russian divisions would have been waiting for the Ukrainian attack.


That would be a violation of the nonproliferation treaty.


With all due respect to Mr. Armstrong, there is a valid view that Zelensky’s invasion of Russia was an entirely rational act … from his perspective.

Reality is that Zelensky is losing the war he triggered (presumably with the encouragement of CIA, London, segments of the US, NATO). The Ukraine is now totally dependent on external support from US/EU/NATO for weapons, ammunition, pay for its bureaucrats, and pensions for its dependents. And Zelensky is aware that the people of the West (if not their ruling cliques) are losing enthusiasm for supporting a “democracy” which cancels elections, jails opponents, and shuts down churches. Without continuing Western support, the Ukraine will collapse in short order.

What is Zelensky to do … short of stopping his war and starting negotiations? The only real prospect Zelensky has for military success is to bring US/NATO into the conflict as open active belligerents – which sounds rather too much like World War III.

The rational aim of Zelensky’s invasion was to trigger a response from Russia which could have been sold by a willing media to reluctant Western publics as an unwarranted major Russian expansion of the conflict – such as attacks on military supply bases in NATO countries. The hope was that Russia would rise to the bait and over-react.

So far, the world has been saved by President Putin’s refusal to respond as Zelensky hoped. So far!


Apparently only a violation of informal undertakings:


Just to put some quantification to the issue, a small nuclear explosion would cause severe damage in an area of about 1 square kilometer – or less if the topography provides some protection. Zelensky claims to have overrun thousands of square kilometers of Russian territory, with more added every day.

Setting aside Far Leftie fear-mongering, a tactical nuclear weapon is simply a big bang. Its only real use would be against a tight concentration of enemy forces or against static limited-area facilities, such as ports, air bases, military depots … or government buildings.

How to survive a tactical nuclear bomb? Defence experts explain (
A one kiloton bomb – similar to the 2020 ammonium nitrate explosion in the Lebanese capital Beirut – would have a fireball radius of about 50 metres, with severe damage to about 400 metres.


I think Yugoslavia’s problem is that it’s dwelling on history instead of thinking about the future.

The Soviet Union had Mikhail Gorbachev, Czechoslovakia had Václav Havel, and Yugoslavia had Slobodan Milošević. The national pride of these nations was great, rooted in an unjust present and a grand history. All the wrongs that have occurred have either happened to the Serbs or the Russians; everyone has lost something, but no, only Serbia lost Kosovo. The British Empire was very powerful, and now only the United Kingdom remains. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was great, but now it’s just Austria. However, all the wrongs happened only to the Serbs and Russians.

Nations that are too burdened by the past lose their future.


OK. Let’s say the Serbs do a lot of “crying in their milk”. But neither Russia nor Czechoslovakia got bombed by the US for 78 days in an undeclared war against a sovereign state, and one that was a member of the UN. I wouldn’t argue that today’s Serbs wouldn’t be shield-bearers to the Serbs who fought at Kosovo, but they did, in fact have a functioning nation - until the CIA and Germany/Austria bankers got involved. THEN suddenly there was a “civil war”. And kindly remember Milosevic was our guy until, like Diem half way around the world, he no longer “fit” the plans for the Balkanized states we introduced. Macedonia was never interested in being a solo state. Kosovo was solid Serb - until the OpFor forces started allowing Shiptar gangs to abduct young Serb men, who for the most part were never heard from again. THAT happened all over Kosovo, with the full knowledge - and complicit acceptance of the “occupying troops”. The Serb Army came, and all the shiptars ran afraid back to Albania, from whence they came. Then the US “coalition” drove the Serb Army out - and guess what! the shiptars came back - now fully rearmed! Wonder where those arms came from.

Serbian history is coloured with lots of “interesting events”. The very creation of Yugoslavia was a move by the Croats to avoid paying war reparations. Preko was captured by the Croatian army with significant aid from American “advisors”. This was land deeded over 400 years ago to the Serbs, who were called “granichari” or border guards, by Austro-Hungary, for them to be a buffer between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman one. Kosovo was basically given to the Albanians who in reality had no claim to the territory. The is and always was Serb land. But if it stayed Serb land, we couldn’t build the ginormous military base there, and insure the robbery of the mining assets of the region by the globalists.

So you can point out similarities between the Serbs and the Russians and Czechs (all of whom speak a basically identical root language BTW), but the situations were NOT THE SAME. Yes, Serbs have significant blame - and a big item of that was trust in works over propaganda. And let’s not forget that both Milosevic AND Tujman plundered their respective “nations” of hundreds of millions of dollars - ALL with the complicit aid of the Austrian bankers, with a hand from the German ones.

Life is never as simple as it sounds. Or as the liars (CIA) say.


Czechs didn’t invade:

  1. Croatia in 1991
  2. Bosnia in 1992 w/genocide

Plus go engage in a civil war against an ethnic minority in Kosovo. Three strikes, and you get bombed, right?

Not to even mention that Milosevic’s wacky nationalism was what led to the breakdown of Yugoslavia in the first place.

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“Genocide” - that is like the old Dem accusation that the mere lack of evidence is proof it is true! ?Where was the genocide - mostly in the Serb area, by mostly the muslims, who created lots of fake activities. Take the “bombing of the market in Sarajevo”. Crater analysis by the Brits showed in couldn’t have come from the Serbs. Yet that trope remains. Other similar ones persist. The “7,000 graves” is another that no one has ever found.

So let’s not talk about a political construct used to justify actions we have no real justifications for.


You seem to be in some conspiratorial disinformation gutter: Bosnia unearths remains of 1995 Srebrenica genocide victim

You can go there yourself and see it. This was a genocidal massacre, not an act of war.

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That really is the central issue: How were the Swamp Creatures able to wage war against another “democracy” (I know! I know!) without a formal Declaration of War by the denizens of the US Congress – those doughty individuals who step forward and take on the responsibility of representing the citizens of these United States?


MAN, your “evidence” is really scarce. This is the same kind of Far Left BS pulled in the George Floyd “murder” - which wasn’'t a murder at all. ONE body found by some pool. And bodies found in 576 (or whatever the number was) different places. But they were all “genocide victims” of those nasty Serbs. ?So if they were such hardcore fighters, how come they lost.

And setting this aside, ?how come WE were “involved” in this mess. ?What was OUR national interest. I don’t recall ANY DEBATE in Congress on whether or not to go to war, nor any declaration of war against Yugoslavia. This all has the same smell that Ukraine is giving off about now. And Vietnam did. The Tutti & Hutti committed real genocide - and no one blinked! No US troops, no bombing the capital for almost 3 months.


I know enough folks in the region who know this first-hand, not to have to rely on MSM. Some things have been pretty well established by now.

I’ve personally listed evidence that Floyd had a bunch of issues that make the ‘murder’ evaluation highly contestable The Crazy Years - #3089 by eggspurt

As for the national interest, that’s a whole different topic - but the EU-US alliance is quite favorable for the US as well, so I doubt it’s purely humanitarian interests in this matter. I doubt Russia had humanitarian interests there either. There was an opportunity to make Russia an ally in the 90s and instead, the US squandered the opportunity by stepping on it while it was lying down in the mud - something that Russia hasn’t forgiven.

Even Putin was trying: Ex-Nato head says Putin wanted to join alliance early on in his rule | Nato | The Guardian – saw him ask George W. Bush about it during a summit in Europe personally in front of reporters.

So here we are now.


Sorry. I don’t buy that. Some things have been pretty well established and that’s that muslims have lied about any number of things. Heck, even the Catholic Church is on record as responding to the allegation that some 780,000 people were killed at Jasenovatc with the unbelievable response, “It wasn’t THAT many - only maybe 350,000!”

You don’t have to go all the way over there to talk to people who were there in the fight; my church is filled with refugees from Bosna and Kosovo. They have first hand knowledge too, and it doesn’t correlate with the “official” news. But it does correspond with what we know is going on today.

The “Last Balkan War” was clearly instigated by outside interference. Relations between the Orthodox and muslims have always been a bit shaky. In WWII Bosna provided 3 battalions of troops to Hitler to fight the Russians. NOT exactly our “allies”. The Ustahe were clearly on Nazi Germany’s side too. So the expected friction points remained and only needed someone to excite. JUST WHEN events were calming down and memories of atrocities from WWII were fading as a new generation took over, someone roused them up again. I personally have little doubt it was the CIA and backers of their policies (so Germany & Austria) that stirred the pot and got this merry band off to fighting, with Ustashi demanding “Croatian” land back, and Serbs saying, “Not this time.” Killed whatever reconciliation there had been these last 50 years.

Now we have the Chinese mining seriously expensive ore from mines in Bosna, not paying anything to any BALKAN nation, and we have Camp Bondsteel, the largest military base in the Balkans, there to guard the pipeline out of Makedonia. ?Who ordered all this mayhem and who paid for it, and who is continuing to support the shiptar incursions in Kosovo and Metohija. There the Serbs who have lived there forever are being bullied by the shiptars into leaving the area so the muslims from Albania can move in. ALL with the acquiescence of NATO’s “Peace Keeping forces”.