Ukraine and Russia: War and Consequences

Mr. L – does Russia really want a “Total Victory”, which would leave Russia with borders directly abutting hostile Euro states? Perhaps not!

Back in 2021, in an effort to stop Zelensky’s genocide of Russian-speaking Ukrainians – (sorry, the victims were not Palestinian Muslims, so we are not allowed to use the word “genocide”) – Russia took the unusual step of sending public draft treaties to the US and NATO. Looking at the Wikipedia summary (I know! I know!), we see:

  • that NATO members commit to no further enlargement of the alliance, including in particular to Ukraine
  • that NATO deploy no forces or weapons in countries that joined the alliance after May 1997
  • a ban on deployment of intermediate-range missiles in areas where they could reach the other side’s territory
  • a ban on any NATO military activity in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia
  • language on consultative mechanisms, such as the NATO–Russia Council, and on the establishment of a hotline

It seems that what Russia really wants is a non-hostile environment between themselves & Western Europe, benefitting both sides. It is unfortunate that the “leaders” of the West chose war, war over jaw, jaw.


This approximates the position of Tulsi Gabbard, for which senate demoncrats in their usual righteous indignation, high dudgeon and elevated-by-an-octave voices (no hormones involved, probably) accused her of everything but being the devil herself. What performances! Adam Schiff is despicable beyond words.


If anyone does not follow Gilbert Doctorow on substack, I would recommend signing up. He is based in the Heart of Darkness (Brussels), but spent many years in Russia and understands the language. One of his contributions is conveying what Russian media are saying about the proxy war in the Ukraine.

(Side comment – anyone who concentrated on telling Russians what Western media are saying to their publics would be guilty of spreading mis-information. Are Russian media better?)

This transcript of a recent interview is worth your time:
(100) Transcript of ‘Dialogue Works’ edition of 30 January

Just one of several reveals in this discussion – which are going to make future peaceable relations between Russia and Europe more difficult :
"The Russians in the present state of open confrontation with virtually the entire West, have finally put up on the screen and shown to their population facts, documentary films that never ever left the archives in the proceeding 70 years, 80 years, 100 years, because they worked against the overriding principles of brotherliness, of forgive and forget, which was the Soviet position on these matters, and which the Soviet Union could afford because it politically controlled those countries which otherwise would be deeply offended by the truth coming out.

The truth about the Finns’ participation in the strangling of Petersburg or Leningrad was never ever shown to the Russian people. It was a deep secret, because the Finns were quiet. The Finns were friends. The Finns had learned their lessons and were no longer a threat to the Russians."


At least they’re talking about post-ceasefire. Europe is so pathetic.


So, while the mission could operate without American frontline troops, it would rely on “buy-in” from President Trump and the achievement of total air superiority through the Patriot air defence missile system and, presumably, if unspoken at this stage, combat air patrols by the U.S. Air Force.

Are those the same Patriot missiles which we have seen being blown up by Russian attacks in many videos? The same Patriot missiles which Israel decided to throw out because they could not do the job?

Not to worry, the F-35 combat air patrols will have the Russians quaking in their boots. The odds of one of those planes crashing on top of them are too high for comfort!


The news media is beginning to speculate on where the inevitable Trump/Putin Summit on the Ukraine and other matters will take place – the possibility of an insecure Zoom meeting apparently not being on the table. Current chatter focuses on Saudi Arabia or the UAE, although there may be Russian concerns about potential US influence over those countries.

Obviously, all the duplicitous Euro countries (from Switzerland on down) are non-starters since they are functionally co-belligerents in the Ukrainian proxy war. Europe’s day in the sun is drawing to a close. And Turkey is out of the question after recent events in Syria. Then where?

China might be a possibility, given distances to travel from both Moscow and the Swamp. Beijing would be out – too obvious that the parties would be working to dump Rump Ukraine onto China’s shoulders with a UN mandate for a Chinese military occupation. If there are people in the Chinese government with a sense of humor, they might propose Wuhan.

Practically, there would be a number of valid locations in China.

  • Shanghai (pop. 30 Million) is a futuristic showcase, although it might cause more Americans to ask “Why can’t we have nice things”.
  • Xi’an (pop. 9 Million) with its well-preserved city walls is a historic location, as the capital of the first Chinese Empire … oops! Scratch that.
  • Chongqing (pop. 18 Million) is a spectacular location up-river from Wuhan, although the Chinese might nix that because it was Chiang Kai-Shek’s capital during part of the civil war.
  • Chengdu (pop. 10 Million), further west in China, is relatively neutral historically-speaking, and provides an opportunity for the leaders to have photo-ops with the Giant Pandas.

Perhaps more reasonably the best location would be somewhere outside major countries – say, Singapore?


these Russians…


Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!

That Russian almost sounds like an American or EU leftist. He must have taken lessons.