Weekly Space Report: Polaris Dawn flies!

I’m traveling this weekend with poor connectivity, so no highlights.


Includes an interesting segment on the Environmental Protection Agency blocking Starship launches for 60 days – or potentially much longer since the 60 day consultation period clock can be reset as often as they want.

The rationale for this further environmental delay seems rather tenuous – water quality in the launch deluge system, which sprays potable water onto the launch pad. Is it just the “Joe Biden” Administration sticking it to Elon for backing President Trump? Or is it merely distant bureaucrats doing what bureaucrats always do?

One the one hand, we have the US Government which is increasingly relying on SpaceX for important national priorities in space. On the other hand, we have the US Government doing everything it can to mess with SpaceX. And we taxpayers are funding both opposing camps in the governmental bureaucracy. As Ronald Reagan said – This is no way to run a railroad.


If you mean “leftist cabal pulling Joe Biden’s strings”, then yes, this.