What's the Difference—Sandwich Bread vs. “Real” Bread

In Europe, the squeezy sliced stuff that comes in a plastic bag and keeps almost forever in the frigo is sold as “toast” or “sandwich” as opposed to “bread”. What’s the difference, and how do they make it that way?


It’s great that there is a professor of baking science. As a bonus, it’s a chick, in a video about sandwich bread no less. You can’t make this up. That’s the simulation winking at us. Make me a sandwich.

As an aside, that “sandwich bread” is not bread. Contrary to the claim in the video, it’s quite possible — nay, even preferable — to make a sandwich from a baguette. One need not use that non-bread substance.


Sandwich “bread” gets the highest possible Nutri-Score. What is Nutri-Score? I’m glad you asked. It’s another example of whackadoodle nutritional guidance on food labels promoted mostly by European governments.

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You have to be careful with that. There’s the guy who told his secretary that, not knowing she was a Wiccan adept.

He is now a sandwich.


Language caution.

I like wheat bread (sandwich) for my sandwiches. If I am making something fancy, I will use a Rye or a Sourdough. But if I am having a ham and cheese while watching Notre Dame beat the trash out of some mid-flight team from the MAC, I just keep it simple with wheat.

Back in college and law school I lived on Repo Man generic food:

A loaf of generic white sandwich bread could be used to replace hot dog buns (too expensive) or for baloney and cheese sandwiches (all ingredients also generic).


Many of hotdogs wrapped in a piece of bread have perished by my hands.