Why isn't Florida Disneyworld swarming with mosquitos?

Civilian stuff too:


Well, maybe nowadays I shoot with mostly plastic or G-10 grips. Not much wood left.


Arthritis such that you can’t wrap your paw around the wood and get to the trigger? I am starting to have that problem, although Hyp would call me young. :wink:


No, just no good grips of wood. Most of today’s combat pistols that can, get G-10 grips. Less maintenance, better grip when wet. Last good set of grips came from Herrett and were patterned by Bill Jordan for S&W revolvers.


My guess is that the combustion products of smokeless powder are repellant to skeeters (& liberals)


Speaking of Texas, I’ve always been fond of this project

The 1918 bat guano crop from the Mitchell’s Lake “Malaria-Eradicating, Guano-Producing Bat Roost” was 4,012 pounds. Once the bat colony was established, the roost averaged two tons a year.

In the mid-1950’s, rabies hysteria gripped Texas and bats were taken off the State’s protected species list. The end of the bat roost that had once gained the admiration of the world passed without much notice.


Thanks, Eggspurt!

I like this Dr Campbell!


Never knew this was a thing. Texas: land of natural innovation.


That former bat-guano craze is commendable; not today’s, which is bat-sh*! crazy.


I guess the center of innovation for bat-human cohabitation is now Wuhan, as evidenced by this patent for a better bat cage:

…and by this patent for quickly stopping bleeding, say after a bat bite:

(via https://twitter.com/Ayjchan/status/1348009031768690690)
Sloppiness results in typos as well as lab leaks.


At Coimbra, bats function as librarians! They live in the library and emerge at night to eat the insects that would otherwise eat the precious ancient codices. The library windows are left open to they can fly out to the river to get water.
The University of Coimbra, btw, is Hogwarts made mortar. JK Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book at a bookstore in Porto.
They have to cover the beautiful inlaid-wood tables in the library every night to protect them from guano, and sweep it off the floor every morning.
When I was last there, they were worried that the mammalian librarians ( it’s a certain species) weren’t breeding fast enough.


Much like the larger problem in Europe of other important mammalians not mating fast enough.


And elsewhere. Populations of educated people seem to be shrinking, driven at least somewhat by the soviet state so many have adopted wherein the government “takes care” of the people, making having kids simply a drain on finances that could be used for “fun”.


In our country, it’s white genocide pure ‘n’ simple. And this is sump’n of an anniversary for me: my first suspension from R> was because I mentioned the declining white birth rate. White genocide, they said, is “fruitcake”. Welp—teatime is here, you bozos.


Do we get those cute little triangle sandwiches?


Well, there is another possible explanation - that people who have babies, especially lots of babies, have a more positive view of life. If one is firmly expectant of life being better, freer, improved, then bringing new life into the world is a resulting factor in birth rates. If, OTOH, one has a gloomy view of the future of the world, bringing in new life would seem antithetical to such thinking/feeling. So white genocide may merely be the sense of whites in this country of a gloomy future. Note that whites are the majority of this nation and have been assaulted by a myriad of alleged ”facts” of their overall inadequacy. There is a similar Japanese genocide going on in Japan, with birth rates not being able to sustain the Japanese population. So replacing white with Japanese shows the same tendencies, just in a different part of the world.

One might, therefore, conclude that there is another factor at work here besides skin colour. If that is, indeed, true then one can expect when the “Hispanics” (or “White Hispanics”, as is the current terminology) become more educated and so. more competitive for upper level jobs, there will be a similar assault upon them - and their birth rates will fall. For the moment, just crossing the river has given them so much more to look forward to that their birth rates are still high. But that will change once the socialist elite find them competing for the same buck.


Don’t see many mosquitoes at DisneyWorld because many of the visitors are Progressives and mosquitoes have better taste than to eat …
Ok, Ok, enough silliness.
Mosquitoes LOVE me too. I have sat in a room with 5 other people and was the only person on which the mosquitoes were feasting.

This year, at our home in south Florida, my husband found a new product in his efforts to protect his Sweetie who likes to be outside (me). It is a product that looks like little brown clumps. He puts a clump in a small amount of water in a bucket, then like magic, no more mosquitoes.
I don’t go near the stuff just in case some mosquito has survived. He told me the clumps contain a ‘bacteria’ that mosquitoes are attracted to but it is deadly to them. The product is called Mosquito Dunks - floating sustained release larvocide for long term control of mosquito larvae. And, it works! I’ve had no trouble being outside this past year. And, an Inspector has confirmed it’s working. When a ‘friendly’ neighbor called the County a month or so ago and complained about the mosquito populationin her yard, she claimed the mosquitoes were coming from our yard ??? Whatever.
An Inspector did come to our place to conduct an inspection, he could not see/find any mosquitoes nor any larvae anywhere on our property. (smiling).

Anyway, also perhaps helpful to someone, a military person once told me they used to give him and his buddies high B12 doses before sending them into mother nature’s realms to protect them from mosquitoes and such. Hence, prior to this year, during high mosquito season I used to take 5000 mcg of B12 daily. It worked pretty good; the mosquitoes seemed to mostly lose interest in me.
P.S. I would have posted sooner, but I’ve only just arrived. (smile)


As a person who hates mosquitoes more than I have communists, thank you for this bit of information. I will be trying to get this Mosquito Dunks product. Hell I might put it all in the Atlantic to ensure no mosquito ever!!

Welcome to the website.


A little off the topic of mosquitoes, but the factor behind declining birth rates relates to women and how they perceive themselves (and how they think they are perceived by others). Up until well into the 20th Century, women and motherhood were inseparable. It was not just English kings who would dispose of queens who failed to produce an heir. Children were essential, across the board. There was a general understanding of the importance of the continuity of the family line. Remember the not-too-distant days when children were named after parents or grandparents instead of after current fleeting celebrities?

Now many women apparently feel more like a woman when sitting in a bureaucratic cubicle stamping pointless papers than when nurturing & bringing up children. The old approach created a sustainable society; the currently popular approach among women – not so much.

On the other hand, perhaps the world of the future will be populated only by the offspring of Mormons and Muslims, and maybe that will be a positive outcome.


Do not forget the Amish:

They have an intriguing perspective on technology that many of us here would respect or even warm to:

The Amish are not fundamentally anti-technology; rather, they believe that change does not necessarily result in desirable ends.
The foremost reason the Amish carefully regulate technology is to preserve their culture.