2024 UK Civil War

Here we can collect comments on the 2024 UK civil war.


YouTuber TIK is ticked off:


An interesting question is the thinking of individual police officers in England – given that the Political Class uses the police as their enforcers. It has been said that most civil wars start when the military splits. What happens if the police force splits?

Some police officers are just bullies who wanted a badge so they can push peons around. Some police officers are genuinely dedicated to protecting their communities. And yet others are merely time-servers keeping their heads down and working towards a pension. All of them in England are mired in a system which is horribly woke, and their leadership is disproportionately DIE females, preferably women of color – not the kind of leadership that inspires genuine loyalty & respect. And police officers know better than the rest of us that certain kinds of criminality are excused by their bosses.

What is the level of morale in English police forces? Might some elements within English police forces become reluctant to continue acting as enforcers for a corrupt Political Class?


People really need to stop using the phrase “civil war”.

5:46 The valorization “pluralism” is exactly what will ignite a rhyme with a 30 years war. The 30 Years of War was vastly more destructive than any civil War. People really have to stop kidding themselves about what’s going on.


I have zero sympathy for these people…I wouldn’t even micturate on them if they were on fire.









The velvet has been removed from the hammers and the masks are off. Great Britain has gone publicly full totalitarian. Of course, it can only be “far right thugs” who oppose the ongoing imposed mass replacement of the native population. UK - RIP (eventually, anyway).


Daniel Pipes predicted all this. And also, that within a generation the UK would be a Muslim country.

50 years ago, when we had the “oil crisis” and we all had to tremble when OPEC had a conclave, I predicted that this would be the beginning of a worldwide resurgence of Muslim conquest. And it was the worst thing that could happen because culturally, they haven’t evolved mush since the 12th century. Everybody laughed. How I’d love to go back and rub their smug faces in the truth. ( And I was gonna say, tell gorgeous young me that I was right—but that’s not necessary: I never doubted me.)


It will be punishable to say this right up until the UK officially adopts sharia; then, it will be punishable to say most anything at all.


I think it was in Pipes’ book that I read how this happened. The Brits knew the clothing industry, , y’ know, tweeds and stuff, was dying but they wanted to keep it going for awhile. They relied on Sufi Muslim women workers, encouraged them to immigrate. Sufism is like the Quakerism of Islam, peaceable, all internal-spiritual stuff. But the children of those women (and they bred prolifically) became the radical young Muslims who protested at the riots over Rushdie’s book.
I reckon it’s also because of empire (see, now, globalism). It was always true wasnt it, that any citizen of the British Empire could travel to , go to school, and live in England; the Brits used to say “They’re here because we were there”. But a combo of the ease and relative cheapness of air travel, instant communication between people who had gone to the western countries and their families back in the mephitic villages, and the universal villification in the west of “xenophobia” , ensured massive human population movements.
It’s a sign of the Last Days: “people going to and fro upon the Earth”……I’m tellin ya, it’s all coming true!:scream:


The Last Days of this iteration. Recall that the movement of Goths, Vandals, etc into the territory of the Roman Empire marked the downfall of that polity … and contributed to it. But life went on, and in many ways eventually became better. As long as Our Betters resist the urge to initiate a Global Thermonuclear War, the same will happen this time around. There is still room for (long-term) optimism!


The Times (of London) is totally nuts. Here they bring on Christopher Steele to fantasize about arresting Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage for their roles in colluding with Putin as are Andrew Tate, Victor Orban and Donald Trump. But even Steele has to dial it back at ~5:00 when the host seems to imply that the original attack on the girls was a Russian false flag operation.


The video is from 1996 as far as one can tell from the book of knowledge. But the part 2 article linked under reference #6 credits 2010 as the date of the video.


Update: the NumbersUSA website links to the video on youtube which credits 1996 as the date. That seems plausible given the 720p resolution and the audience clothes style.


1996? Damn that’s old

Thanks for pointing it out @gms


We get Brit Box. Not only are the Brits subjected to imprisonment for objecting to the huge illegal invasion, but their “entertainment” regularly portrays illegals as completely sympathetic and worthy of being allowed in (as their government does) and “supported”. On Silent Witness, a very popular long-running series, the lead female character blames the UK population for abuses in the illegal “trafficing” and says “bring them all here”. The lead male says, “we can’t afford it”, but is dismissed. The propaganda of numerous programs on this channel is beginning to outweigh their entertainment value.


There was an update of the rhetorically powerful 1996 gumball video in 2010

The power of the rhetoric derives from the fact that although the official reasons given for increasing immigration rates against the will of more than a supermajority of the American people, was not to reduce global poverty, the “moral” power behind increasing immigration rates was the single white woman vote. “Oh those poor poor refugees!” (Refugees most of which were single men.) This was the period during which Boomer females were discovering that they had been conned as the sexual power granted them by birth control on abortion evaporated with their youthful looks. Some got real conservative real fast but most went into denial about how viciously they had been betrayed by their “moral” authorities and sought scapegoats. Who can blame them? It was heartbreaking to watch this as part of their cohort. I had been part of the war against media and academia in the early internet and I saw what was coming and I had not been able to stop it. I could not go and slaughter all of the professors pundits preachers* politicians. I had not been able to change the tax base and replace the 16th amendment with a tax on net assets. I had not been able to replace the welfare state with as citizens dividend. I can only watch helplessly.

* Yes preachers! There is absolutely no excuse for “men of God” to ignore their responsibility to ensure that the young men at the age of 18 of their congregations, have built homesteads, that they have built with the assistance of the men of their congregation. And they are still doing this to their youth! Preachers are selling their youth into Mammon Worship at the behest of the mesopredators that are consuming the TFR of the nation.