This guy sounds credible but he is making a lot of excuses for incompetence/negligence
added: I never expected this thread to be so busy so quickly
Age 28 according to Captain Rebecca Lobach is identified as third Black Hawk pilot who died in collision with American Airlines flight in DC | Daily Mail Online
add (Sunday, Feb 2):
It’s a testament to the infrequency of accidents like this that an NTSB board member “… spent hours with the grieving families of the crash victims.” Back in the day when such accidents were more frequent and involved far more victims, I don’t recall that happening. When there were hundreds of victims, such an event seems impractical. Coincidentally, I was on Gran Canaria when the Tenerife accident happened.
NTSB has also been provided updated information that shows the air traffic control tower display at DCA is fed by the Potomac TRACON. The TRACON fuses information from multiple radar sensors and ADS-B data, providing the best quality flight track data to air traffic control. This data showed the Black Hawk was at 300 feet on the air traffic control display at the time of the collision. This data is rounded to the nearest 100 feet.
Commentator calculates a 200 foot altitude based on published glide slope for runway 33 and the collision location.