The crash that killed Huang was among hundreds of US accidents in which Autopilot was a suspected factor in reports to auto safety regulators.
I wonder if this settlement serves as an invitation for the remaining “hundreds” of similar accidents?
The crash that killed Huang was among hundreds of US accidents in which Autopilot was a suspected factor in reports to auto safety regulators.
I wonder if this settlement serves as an invitation for the remaining “hundreds” of similar accidents?
one issue is that autopilot is a suspected factor in the almost every Tesla accident where it is not immediately ruled out. That may be nearly every case where the tesla was moving and the driver did not survive and exonerate autopilot.
Tesla materials explaining the system warn that it does not make the car autonomous and requires a “fully attentive driver” who can “take over at any moment.”
The trouble with this is that drivers will never be “fully attentive” if the Autopilot system is doing all the work. It’s already bad enough in conventional vehicles where drivers get bored on a monotonous stretch of highway and stop paying attention. Same goes for texting while driving. In a car that purports to drive itself, the temptation to do other things will be overwhelming.
In short, the legal theory of the lawsuit is obvious and totally predictable.
Discovery may be informative to the merits. Or this may just settle.
Plaintiffs attorneys are based in Los Angeles
ALL this sounds distinctly like lawfare. Tesla must clearly be very successful to merit such consideration.
Another lawsuit against Apple on this topic:
She posted a summary tweetstorm here:
This one (still active) is back-filling from before Scanalyst existed:
Maybe leaning towards Italy.
I had thought about that too, but she won’t give him any more kids.
Why, is she over the hill?
Yeah, that’s a long shot. She looks decent for pushing 50.