Generative Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, and Image Synthesis

On 2023-11-06, OpenAI held its first developer conference, “OpenAI DevDay”, in which they announced several new products and pricing changes, summarised in this blog post, “New models and developer products announced at DevDay”. They include a new GPT-4 Turbo model with context up to 128 kilotokens, training on real-world events up to April 2023, and prices reduced by a factor of 3 for input tokens and 2 for output tokens compared to GPT-4.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for developers now include access to DALL·E 3 and their Text to Speech engine.

Developers may now create “Custom GPTs”, which allow customisation of ChatGPT for specific applications, can be created by natural language instructions, and offered for sale in a new “GPT Store”. These GPTs will allow developers to connect to real-world data sources and actions. Look out, here it comes.

Here is a 45 minute video of the OpenAI keynote presentation, including demonstrations of these products and features.

It is just me, or does this Sam Altman character tickle an “uncanny valley” vibe in you as well? At the 14:20 point in the video, there is a rather curious appearance by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella (Blue Screen Apu), who seemed a bit lost among all of it, preferring to talk about the workload and infrastructure on the Azure cloud service. He was like “we haven’t figured how to screw this up yet, but we’re working on it.” The video on “How ChatGPT changed my life” starting at 2:20 is truly cringe-inducing.