How stupid is Kamala?

Regarding January 6, I thought it was a peaceful protest. The exceptions were trespassing and breaking/entering. Maybe some minor vandalism or property damage. These are misdemeanors not felonies in the eyes of a reasonable prosecutor and judge.

Edit: regarding J6 defendants, the punishment was greater than the crime. Contrast with the summer of love where damages were more serious and none of the offenders were prosecuted. The few that were arrested received bail money from a bail fund affiliated with Kamala Harris.


I agree with all of that except it being fully peaceful. It wasn’t nearly like BLM but it wasn’t 100 percent peaceful.


To get back to Ms. Harris – we should be careful to avoid the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

After all, Ms. Harris has managed to get herself listed as (a) black, (b) Indian – the South kind, not the native kind, and (c) female 
 although she looks more Italian than anything else (i.e. “White”). She has benefited immensely from those classifications.

Apparently without much talent, she managed to clamber up the slippery pole in California politics. She is often dismissed for having climbed to the top on her knees, but (if so) she certainly demonstrated the willingness & drive to do what she had to do to get where she wanted to go.

She failed horribly in the Demoncrat primaries – and yet she managed to get the VP slot in preference to others who were much more capable and much more popular.

Somehow when “Joe Biden” went bye-bye, she got instantaneous support from almost everyone who matters among Demoncrat insiders – which probably did not happen by chance.

Yes, she is reportedly a terrible boss. But Stalin was no fun to work for either, and look at what he did. Is her “dumb broad” routine a careful cover-up of something much more calculating, and much worse?


I wasn’t calling you a Leftist. I described a tactic used by Leftist. I am not calling Trump a Leftist. I am calling out tactics for what they are and pointing out that the Left has used them extensively.



Part of me also is upset with January 6 protest because it was a setup similar to the Reichstag Fire. The date, January 6, was too late to change anything. Trying to convince Pence to stop certification was unrealistic (perhaps a fool’s errand).

Dissidents in the Outer Party have to be smarter about protesting in public. There are other more effective and clandestine ways of undermining the Inner Party.


She is calculating and much worse for sure.
She is a dumb broad but we should not underestimate her because we are running against a machine not just her (Vivek R).
After all, Joe Biden has always been a doofus, long before he went senile.

edit: We cannot underestimate the leftist machine bankrolling Kamala


Exactly right. Trump is running against the Dem PARTY, entire!
So Kalamity got 100M? Trump announced yesterday that Musk is giving HIM $45M each month!
(Eeekh! ya think Elon forgot to delete the :heavy_check_mark:mark beside “Make this a monthly recurring donation” on the donor form?:joy:)

Whoops it loox like that’s exactly what DID happen! the Wall St Journal reported it, and that’s evidently where Trump heard it, but Musk sez he IS donating, but not that much


The trick will be to show that she 
 is irrelevant. There could be a tomato running, for all the difference it will make. IF the PEOPLE want CHANGE, they are going to have to change from their underwear on up - everything! And I DO mean EVERYTHING. This is a relentless machine running the nation into the dirt. It must be ID’d and then effectively stopped.

Let’s never forget we speak of the Swamp. That is hardly Kamala - or Joe, or Clinton, or even Obummer alone. It’s the sum of all of those "evils’. THAT’S who we must defeat; Trump must defeat the hordes of demons out there attempting to subborn our nation.




I may have mentioned this in another post, maybe not, but if you want some entertainment relating to political corruption, you should watch the movie “Dave”.

It’s available to rent or buy on Amazon, and undoubtedly the DVD can be found in DVD bins at discount stores.



Okay, then, have it your way. Maybe you poisoned her mind. :wink:


It was mostly peaceful but not fiery.


The question of how stupid Kamala may be – or whether her “dumb broad” routine hides a scheming mind intent on grabbing power – brought back memories of a Chinese dance performance I saw a while ago.

The topic was the rise of the woman who became the Dowager Empress Cixi (1835 - 1908) in the 19th Century – and ruled over a declining empire. She started as a teenage concubine, and parleyed her beauty, intelligence, and other assets into captivating the Emperor and assuming power as regent when he died. (She was then 26). As a result of a series of unfortunate deaths of rightful heirs, she remained the regent in charge of the Empire for most of her life.

The show – for a largely Chinese audience – was supportive of Cixi, emphasizing her skill at outwitting the palace’s plethora of wives, eunuchs, other concubines, and imperial relatives to reach the top and hold onto power. The staging was impressive – at the end, a ladder appeared as if from nowhere to allow her to ascend to heaven.

Maybe a century from now, residents of North America will see an analogous show celebrating the rise of Kamala?

Cixi: The Woman Behind the Throne | Smithsonian (


Succeeded by Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing dynasty, age 2

I was skeptical of the movie. The last emperor of China could not have been a toddler!


Kamala embodies the crisis of competency

Speaking exclusively to the Mail, political strategists who have previously worked for Harris say the root of her problems is that she overly relies on a trusted, though under-qualified inner circle that includes her sister Maya Harris and brother-in-law Tony West, a former Obama Justice Department official.


Not surprising, given that she’s as dumb as a goldfish.


According to Axios, viewership of Veep is up 358% as of this past Monday (July 22).

The memes are working.


Well, from zero to 3.58% IS a big percentage jump - but STILL not enough people to fill a school bus.


Your Chinese movie reminds one of the countless comedies of street smarts beating out book smarts. That is mostly true, but there are exceptions.

However, KaMala does not fit into this stereotype. She is the true embodiment of Shit-for-Brains. She literally doesn’t appear brighter than a box of rocks. The things she says are so incredibly mindbogglingly stupid that it is pretty much cringe-worthy every time she opens her mouth. Every time, no exceptions. ?How did nature produce such incredible idiocy, and perhaps more to the point, ?how did she survive. Just survive, not progress to the US Senate and then the VP. Perhaps ONE lesson is that the system we have is SO self-contained it functions normally DESPITE her. Neither she nor SloJoe could break down the system (depending very much on what your POV is!),