How stupid is Kamala?

That’s the issue. Cackles did not just survive – she won the game within the Demoncrat party. Without ever winning a single primary election, and without ever publicly demonstrating any kind of talent or wisdom.

The easy (and likely) explanation is that she is just as much a sock puppet as “Joe Biden” was, and has been selected by the mysterious forces which rule the Demoncrats as their next spokesperson. Her lack of intelligence and competence is her strength, in this view. She will stumble and cackle as a distraction while our real rulers get on with their nefarious plans.

All I would suggest is don’t rule out the less probable explanation that she has been hiding her light under a bushel. With a criminalized government stuffed with loyal Demoncrats willing to do whatever they are bidden, let’s not under-estimate the harm she could do.


That’s not way percentage increases work. From zero to 3.58% is an infinite percentage increase because division by zero does not result in a finite quotient. For example, going from 2% to 4% (doubling) would be a 100% increase because the amount of the increase (2%) is equal to the initial amount (also 2%).

A 358% increase means a 4.58-fold change in show’s audience. I have no idea of what the previous audience was for this show but an almost five-fold increase in a successful show’s (seven seasons) viewership is significant.

The wheels on this school bus go round and round.


Picky, picky. OK. It went from 1 to 3 plus a baby - thus the partial percentage. ?Feel better.

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As a wise woman once observed, “Math class is tough.”


Veep was on the air from 2012 to 2019 or two presidential election cycles. The first 4 seasons were filmed in Baltimore and had a British staff: writers and directors. The British years were better, content was more fresh.

The Veep character became an accidental President and then campaigned to retain office.

What happens when the electoral college ends in a tie or no one gets 270?


Pray it doesn’t. In that case the House of Representatives decides


A tie would benefit Trump in theory


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Unfortunately, it would be decided by the next House. An untold story is that the Dems are happy with RFK, Jr. on the ballot of all states that they either know they will win or know they don’t need to win. In those states, he will draw Dem voters who will have stayed home otherwise and help them downticket. Those states have a lot of swing House districts.


There were about 40 competitive House districts in 2022. I suspect the number will be the same or more in 2024.

New House swearing is Jan 3, 2025. Electoral Vote certification is on January 6 (how did I remember lol) unless no one gets 270


That conclusion relies on some unstated assumptions.

  1. The Republicans control a majority of House delegations when the new Congress is seated in January 2025.
  2. Even if they do, a few cucks don’t vote with the Left to “save Our Democracy.”

It’s hardly a foregone conclusion that both of these are correct. Furthermore, if the kooks retain the Senate, they could still elect a fellow kook as VP. A deadlock in the House — realizable in a number of ways, including a 25/25 split — would leave the kook VP as president.


You are correct about my assumptions

D house representation is overloaded in California, New York, Massachusetts, CT, Maryland, etc

Biden “won” 25 states plus DC and NE-2. Stupid Omaha Nebraska. He avoided a tie by “winning” Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia. Trump has a good shot at winning those 3 states plus Nevada.


A you tube link.

Posted Feb 19, 2023
Sky News host Cory Bernardi says an “oddity” which is becoming “all too familiar” is US Vice President Kamala Harris talking like a “simpleton”.
Take note, she is referring to school busses, not commercial busses that one might ride on one’s way home from “work”.
God, I hope that “demon-crats” try to vote with their brains this time.