Illegal Immigration - The Obvious, Denied Grand Dem Strategy

The most effective grand political deceptions are sometimes ones which take place out in the open, in full view. The “long march through the institutions” since the ’60’s has featured many of these. All that is required is collusion (Interesting this is always their first accusation against everyone else) of the MSM - the dems’ propaganda arm; this effectively ‘inoculates’ them against similar accusations against themselves (like Antifa, being against the very fascism they practice). For machinations on behalf of the deep state/left agendas, the MSM’s enthusiastic collusion is automatic; it need not even be spoken (well, maybe whispered). Grokking the real meaning of what you are shown by them, then, may be a challenging undertaking. Their playbook has many sophisticated defenses when anyone tries to call them on their lies and/or evasions. Omitting saying anything is a powerful strategy in itself. Always first on the list of active defenses, though, is the dismissive and derogatory accusation - “conspiracy theory”.

Such, I believe, is the case for the flood of “immigrants” “migrants” or “seekers of political asylum” which has been happening in record numbers following the Biden Administrations’ repeated explicit and implicit invitations to “surge” to the border. Among the first pass derogations is the label, the “Great Replacement Theory”. Every search engine begins and runs with many pages of negative characterizations, of this as a search term, beginning with the ubiquitous ‘racist’ and descending from there. The usual ad hominem attacks run on with zero discussion of any possible merits of any counterargument. As usual, our betters in the MSM warp the meaning of words at the outset. In this case, they conflate millions of illegal invaders with “immigrants”. Actual immigrants, of course, would arrive at designated ports of entry, under a legitimate and orderly process prescribed by Congress, be vetted as to character. and be issued documents. By law, they would also be evaluated for possible infection with communicable disease. What a quaint notion that is - except when is served the Covid power grab meme.

Maybe you’re inclined to think the Democrats have decent intentions to explain these millions, say in the belief we need more workers. Maybe you believe the fiction these are political refugees, fleeing political persecution or death. Maybe you just believe in “open borders” and that anyone, anywhere has a right to enter the US at any time and receive the largess of the American taxpayer. Why, maybe you believe this radical, unprecedented policy actually is the will of the majority of citizens and - even if they had no opportunity to vote yea or nay on it, that the perpetrators enacted an open border based upon that now meaningless slogan - “consent of the governed”.

And maybe you believe in the tooth fairy and that you, too, can be flown around the country at taxpayer expense in secret nocturnal flights - given a free cell phone (loaded with ‘how-to’ apps for illegal entry) and $1000 in cash - without having any ID or vetting of any kind, whatsoever. What might be the point of all these daily and nightly activities? Regardless of the point, it surely requires lots of money and planning (check up the definition of conspiracy, while you’re at it). Could all this be centered on the effort to manufacture warm bodies for “votes”? These could offset the need for the “votes” of the dead and non-existent, with which we are already familiar. Maybe that’s “the great replacement”.

To figure out the obvious, let’s look at some context:

  1. The Democrats regularly and loudly regale us with pronouncements - in the vein of ‘God’s mouth to their ears’ - that the vote is “sacred”. This religious view of a civic duty is peculiar, however, in that these self-appointed moral superiors regularly obstruct any effort whatsoever to ensure that actual citizens’ votes are received and counted properly - i.e. that they are not canceled or diluted by votes by non-citizens or by ‘votes’ of the dead or simply fictitious ‘voters’ - especially via absentee ballot. In a society where one may not do much of anything without a valid ID (like receiving government entitlement benefits), what other possible reason - beside the intent to commit voter fraud - could there be to oppose voter ID laws? These laws - zealously blocked by Democrats (remember “sacred”) - would require a photo ID (free to all from federal and/or state government, as for those individuals without drivers’ licenses or passports) in order to cast a vote. In short, Democrats push policies which can have no other purpose but to enable fraudulent votes. That is a set of FACTS, not theories - unless adding is now a theory, too.
  2. Electronic voting machines - in principle - enable fraud, because two or more disinterested observers cannot possibly count bits or electrons in order to verify vote count. The virtue of paper ballots is that they can be objectively observed, counted and verified by disinterested parties. They may even be designed to eliminate unusual, manufactured, contentious issues like ‘hanging chads’. There is no more critical matter than the correct perception that the result of an election is proper and verifiable. A nation which put men on the moon 55 years ago is intellectually and technically capable of designing and implementing a credible and verifiable system of vote casting and vote counting. Failure to do so can only result from evil intentions of some corrupt portion of the governing apparatus - i.e. the Democrats, who know their actual policies do not command majority approval.
  3. General lawlessness and unequal application of the law, especially in the large cities - these places are all under the longstanding and total (as in totalitarian) control of Democrat Party officials and operatives. This lawlessness surely extends to all big city/county’s voting officials and those charged with enforcement of voting rules. What are the incentives of Democrat officials in every big city? How many times must they tell us “by any means necessary”, before we understand they mean what they say? Why would anyone expect them to conduct free or fair elections?More and more cities are even brazenly “legalizing” voting by illegal aliens, “only in non-federal elections” they say. And just how might that work? Presently, Democrat operatives deliver (by thousands of $mall bribes (aka zuckerbucks), coercion, enticement etc.) any warm body (mainly illegals) to county election officials - Democrats. They are duly registered as “eligible voters”, because… Democrats! They show up (or by absentee ballot) and they vote. Who is in a position to object? Even if anyone does object, who will prosecute - a Soros prosecutor? Any of the Democrat election official charged with ‘enforcement’? And our illustrious courts, as shown in 2020, refuse to act on those few cases actually brought.This, then, is the trifecta: a flood of millions of warm bodies, un-verifiable machines to tally the vote, and corrupt Democrat officials and prosecutors to be sure no fraud is discovered.

It is glaringly obvious that illegal immigration - aided and abetted by Democrat officials, both elected and appointed (and most NGO’s) at federal and state levels (especially in cities, totalitarian in Democrat lawlessness - represents a massive conspiracy to ensure that “vote” totals for Democrat candidates will forever exceed those for Republicans. This, of course, will tilt many entire state totals against Republicans, since city populations so greatly exceed the rural population of most states. All this is happening right before our eyes and has been going on like this for a good many years, though in lesser numbers than the last 4 years. The cumulative total is likely greater than 20 million illegal invaders, and we all watched it happen, while the “media” blatantly connived and covered up the obvious meaning and anti-American results. The in-our-faces “great replacement” is dismissed as “conspiracy theory”. Truth is, it’s no theory; it’s fact. It is, indeed, a Democrat conspiracy and it has been running quite well for them, hidden by their propaganda arm, the MSM. It was undoubtedly a significant factor in the 2020 “result”. Has it succeeded for the rest of us or the American Experiment”?? Not so much.


That is an accurate picture of the depressing end of “democracy” in the Once-United States. However, it is difficult to get too excited about the dastardly Demoncrat plot when the only alternative for voting citizens is the Institutional Republicans – a group of people who have no intention of ever reversing anything done by the Demoncrats.

Whether the failure of the Institutional Republicans is due to their weak spines, their addled brains, or to their being closet Demoncrats is an interesting side topic, but the outcome is that voting is a proven failure as a way of wresting control from the Demoncrat insiders.

The only solution at this point is the Coming Collapse, which is the certain outcome of this failure in governance.


Population Division
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Secretariat

Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?

The ruling paradigm:
“People are just like atoms, equal and replaceable. There is no culture. Everyone is a blank slate.”

Here’s a nice book on this topic:


Has it gone too far now to be reversible? Trump and Vance were talking about this in Jesse Waters’ interview. Trump started by talking about the “nice woman,with beautiful children—not supposed to be here but she’s a nice woman” —undoubtedly remembering the engineered horror during his term about separating families at the border. To which, if you remember, he CAVED, undoubtedly a Ryan-McConnel special—to our great dismay. He expressed resolve, but he knows it’s going to be difficult and unpopular. I liked what Vance said: “you start with the people you HAVE to remove”—y’know, the defiant military aged men who have committed crimes.
But, simply having someone in office who SAYS, “dont come, we’re going to repel you at the border, we’re going to catch you and deport you” will have a tremendous effect. Vance is right: the salutary spectacle of seeing a buncha hairy thugs bundled off across the border will have a “trickle-up” effect: the “nice woman” will pack up her beautiful children and trundle back home to mamacita.

And BTW:”multiculturalism” really means “anticulturalism”. That’s tricky, cuz humans ALWAYS exist in a culture, but it’s like in Brave New World, where the glorious organically-evolved variety of human societies is exterminated and replaced by an engineered global sanitarium.

DO we still have proportionately enough Americans in America to stop the awful transformation from a sovereign nation into a polyglot holding pen?


Another, less-used, word for “multiculturalism” is “pluralism” to which the virulent retreat when “multiculturalism” becomes too-obviously the culture of virulence. This is why Cuius regio, eius religio (nascent Sortocracy sans territorial reallocation based on “voting with your feet” as an individual) was necessary to stop The Thirty Years War for freedom from religious “pluralism”.

A big part of the confusion (as in “The Devil Is The Author Of”) arises when we divorce “culture” as a noun from “culture” as a verb. Religion cultures, in the verb sense, because human sexuality, under the guidance of religious beliefs about the ultimate meaning of life, is the primary way that human agency creates artificial selection regimes (ie: culture as a noun) hence creates the future forms of life. In this respect, possibly the most Satanically destructive meme imaginable arose in the wake of Darwinism when the word “eugenics” became saddled with connotations that were dysgenic to perceptive individuals – individuals of integrity. It isn’t so much that government involvement in creating an artificial selection regime (ie: culture as a noun) is inherently dysgenic – it’s that without Sortocracy, individual agency is parasitically castrated by government: Reallocation of moral territory (ie “honor”) is taken from the individual (which in the State of Nature is primarily masculinity’s burden in male individual intrasexual selection, ie: individual mutual hunt under natural conditions) by making it impractical to so much as “vote with your feet” – let alone call out someone that needs to be killed.

Sortocracy is the only anti-anticulturalism compatible with technological civilization (ie: artificial selection regimes that do not enforce challenges to individual mutual hunt in nature as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing). Its “states” are nascent space habitats with closed ecosystems that “culture” future forms of life.


Zerohedge reported today that Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project found that 14% of illegal immigrants in a single apartment complex admitted to being registered to vote. This is completely congruent with the point of the OP. Anyone surprised? Oh, don’t forget to say there was no fraud, whatsoever, in the 2020 election.


Zerohedge again, quoting Victor Orban as to the ideological rationale for massive illegal immigration. It’s no surprise, if you understand the globalist/progressive agenda:

“But Westerners, quite differently, believe that nation-states no longer exist. They therefore deny that there is a common culture and a public morality based on (the nation-state)".

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Central Europe has had enough.

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