There seems to be very little news anymore as to mass political events in England. Of course, the non-reporting of certain events (and the massive over-reporting of others or simply fake events) is normal operating procedure for the UK, as here. The obvious aim of the ongoing invasion of millions of foreign men of military age - with no allegiance to their hosts and actual hostility in many cases, is to enable them to cast illegal votes; in addition to final nailing down the lid of the coffin containing the shriveled remains of American culture.
As I pointed out here, this has been an ongoing project, a highly successful strategy. There is a strong possibility it led to the “result” of the 2020 election and will surely affect the upcoming one in November. No one has yet told me who or what will stop an illegal entrant (they are NOT immigrants) from “registering” and “voting” in any city run by democrats, i.e. all of them. The general urban lawlessness (and politically-guided prosecutions of only non-democrats) does not suddenly end when it arrives at city voting officials. So, please tell me who will stop this or even report it after it happens. Even if this were done, it would go un-reported.
The US and UK are proudly assuming their places on the “green” ash heap of history. And we are watching it unfold in real time with hardly a peep.