June 27, 2024 US Presidential Debate Live Blog

I read the Tweet by Barry yesterday. I actually retweeted with a quote: Projection

He says Joe is fighting for ordinary Americans. What is ordinary? Is a typical white person like his maternal grandmother ordinary?


Not surprised about Obama vs Biden tension

Jill talks too much and big Michelle is not a friendly person

Barry thinks Joe is a doofus which is true. Otherwise Biden would have been the nominee in 2016 not Hillary.

Their relationship is strictly political which is common with radical leftists


Since Barry and his ex-staffers are the ones most likely to be guiding Biden policy from behind the scenes, think of it as him talking about his favorite subject again, himself.


It’s like Bush and Cheney in 2000

Both lived in Texas

All California ticket would be hilarious and unwise and unconstitutional


What is the procedure to change residence for this purpose, and how much lead time does it take?


Dick Cheney took steps to change his residency from Texas to Wyoming in 2000 to avoid potential constitutional issues if he were to become George W. Bush’s running mate[1][4]. This was necessary because:

  1. The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbids electors from voting for both a president and vice president who are inhabitants of the same state[3].

  2. Bush was the Governor of Texas and lived in Austin at the time[4].

  3. Cheney had been living in Dallas, Texas while serving as CEO of Halliburton[3].

To resolve this, Cheney:

  1. Put his Dallas home up for sale[3].
  2. Changed his driver’s license and voter registration back to Wyoming[3][4].
  3. Traveled to Wyoming to change his voter registration from Texas[4].

This move allowed Cheney to become Bush’s running mate without risking the disqualification of Texas’ electoral votes for both candidates[1][4]. The change in residency was challenged in court, but a federal appeals court ultimately ruled that Cheney was indeed a resident of Wyoming, making him eligible to serve as Bush’s vice president[1].

[1] Court Rules Cheney’s No Texan - CBS News Court Rules Cheney's No Texan - CBS News
[2] Richard B. Cheney - OSD Historical Office Richard B. Cheney > Historical Office > Article View
[3] Dick Cheney - Wikipedia Dick Cheney - Wikipedia
[4] Cheney Avoids Residential Crisis - ABC News Cheney Avoids Residential Crisis - ABC News
[5] The Co-Presidency of Bush and Cheney: Shirley Anne Warshaw Amazon.com


Cheney sold his house in Dallas but I don’t think that was necessary. I am sure he had a place in Wyoming already or crash on Liz couch

The abc article is from July 21, 2000


Speaking of ABC, they are set to host the second Presidential debate on September 10.


What is REALLY sad and pathetic is the obvious fact that the people comprising the apparatus (yes, think Soviet) around and supporting Biden and furthering the huge lie that he is just fine have been doing so since prior to the last election! This, alone, ought to give any civic-minded person pause about supporting that party. If you look merely at the individual involved, it is elder abuse, clear and simple. Are these the kind of people we want running the country and perpetrating what may become WWIII any day?? If that alone doesn’t result in a Trump landslide, then we are well and truly lost; the American experiment will be over (period).


I agree, this should be a watergate-esque moment, when EVERYBODY turns against the Dems just because of their monumental and bold mendacity . How can anybody ever trust them again? This was a BIG lie: they kept telling us we had a functioning president, and—we DON’T! This could and should be 1976.
And why isn’t it occurring to anybody else that we have seven more months to go WITHOUT an executive! Because isn’t it odd that the cabinet isn’t begging Harris to take over? I mean, that’s what the VP is there for, right? Why isn’t HER name on everyone’s lips? The fact that obviously, manifestly, she was NOT chosen in order to fulfill the constitutional function of the VP should also rip away the final shreds of any possible trust in the Dems.
Also, the admin should be forced to tell us all, right NOW, who actually IS in charge? WHAT IF the red phone rings t 2 AM and Biden has taken his sleeping meds? Don’t we deserve to know the identity of the de facto commander? Dont we the people COUNT any more?
“No taxation without representation!” was a rallying cry in 1776. Loox to me right now as though we are being compelled to support a completely non-representative government. Let’s try a tax revolt before we contemplate a hot civil war against our neighbors.


But you trust the Repubs??

Oh the drama! Red team vs. blue team…bread and circuses…meanwhile nothing of substance is being discussed and the country continues its death spiral. I am sick of this crap.


So, then what? “Culitivier notre jardin” and the rest of the world be damned? I get that. And great—IF the rest of the world would leave ME alone. Since it won’t, I gotta pick a side, it seems to me.


Well, hope springs eternal, I guess. I just can’t force myself to believe that any of this actually matters…and I hate being manipulated by people who couldn’t give a rat’s behind about me.


What of it? Almost nobody give’s a rat’s behind about more than close friends and family, and not always all of the latter. The world calls the rare, truly caring people Saints, in case you hadn’t noticed.

Are you just noticing this aspect of humanity? Have you just noticed the perfidy of politicians? As if our Founding Fathers were clueless about this?

Sorry, I don’t accept the black pill prescription. Circumstances are bad, but I don’t think hopeless, and certainly not hopeless for my great-grandchildren, even it there is an intervening crackup.


Usually takes six months (doesn’t it), but in the current US I am sure there is trickery that can be used.

I just had to read further to learn that the trickery has already been pulled in the past. I guarantee that if I do the exact same thing as Dicky boy, no court rules in my favor. Minnesota has a list as long as your arm to challenge anyone claiming they aren’t a resident including using things like hospitals. What I have heard from people that have been audited is that if you have a receipt in Minnesota the assumption is you have been in the State/prison until a receipt can be given showing you are not in the State/prison. The accountants recommend buying something the first chance you get once you cross a border.


Oh God I can’t believe there’ll be another one! Just imagine how Bygone will behave.
But, we hafta remember Romney v. Obama: Romney totally clinched the first debate, but B. Hussein made a comeback.


I don’t think it would take a tax revolt. I would avoid confrontation with the guy that thinks about sending the f16s out to attack citizens. All I think it would take is a nation wide strike. The same strategy that was used in Poland.

The problem is that any response by the people, will cause a market crash and probably a major dumping of US treasury bonds and ignite a derivative meltdown destroying the financialized world and with it the pensions and savings of almost everyone.

This will never happen in the US. People that are offended by the black national anthem will gladly be offended while they watch the Super Bowl. No way will the sheep revolt in any way. Not until the US is like Argentina will there be a response.


What do you think of RFK? He seems to at least talk about the Constitution and the problem with Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and fidelity controlling the Fortune 500 companies. He acknowledges the issue we have with government corporate melding into what is a reverse facsism.

Oh yea and he understands the issues with the three letter agencies.

Honestly because he seems to have philosophical core, he understands these issues at a deeper level than Trump.


This is an example of how powerful the media influences opinion and why I think they really are the enemy of the people. In a couple three months Biden would be gone if the media wanted him gone. The democrats would be held accountable if the media wanted to hold them accountable.

I predict TPTB will see that Trump didn’t get a landslide bump in the polls and therefore there is no need to replace Biden. They will take the path of memory holing the debate or changing what people saw with their own eyes. If Trump gets a big enough bump in the polls such that Biden cannot win, they will work to convince everyone that he is perfectly competent and is stepping aside as a sacrifice for the nation’s future. They will say he sacrificed himself to prevent any chance of Trump winning and destroying democracy. That is how big a threat Trump is to the nation.

@eggspurt has rightfully pointed out the dangers of the internet being used to cause internal conflict. I don’t disagree, but I believe if the corporate media has been and is a bigger risk to the United States. They are the reason there is a massive divide in the country. Look at the various graphs that have been shown the use of racism and other dividing themes used by the media. It is evident to me that they have been driving an agenda and the agenda is extraordinarily divisive. Divisive enough to destroy the US.