Imagine an NPC like Isadore Singer, occupying the heights of the NSF under Reagan thinking he should socially engineer the United States with a fraudulent economics paper so as to ensure that engineers and scientists struggling against the tsunami born of sexual tectonics, can’t afford to form families, and the US turns into a third world shithole country:
(As soon as I posted that link the account that posted the following video was thrown down the memory hole, so that “fools” can have “mere coincidence” plausible deniability)
I’m sure when he engaged in this deception he thought he was doing “good”, as he engaged in self-deception about the justifying economics paper by Myles Boylan.
Now, consider Myles Boylan’s role in this:
He’s put in a position where he knows the conclusion of the economics paper expected by his superiors. He’s being asked to provide a paper that supports the conclusion that will lower labor costs in the near term so his superiors have more of that sweet sweet cheap inferior labor Fentanyl the Maoists want to use to bring down the West by corrupting capitalists hence capitalism.
My emphasis on computational intelligence is as a kind of reductio ad absurdum approach to wake up these NPCs to their self-deception. Automate Myles Boylan so that he can’t provide Isadore Singer, hence his superiors such as Erich Bloch, the self-deception they demand of him – demand with plausible deniability even to themselves.
These NPCs of the global economy are monkeys that want to maintain their appearance of virtue and superiority to maintain their primate hierarchy status and they don’t want to know that’s what they’re doing.
So don’t get hung up on my emphasis on “Wikipedia”. That’s merely a tactic to get around the fact that I can’t go straight to “The Foundation World Model That Might Have Been” because ALL of the positions of influence in ALL of the organizations supposedly providing us with guidance for the future, are occupied by these goddamn fucking monkey NPCs. They smell positions of status and influence and go straight for the jugular of humanity.
My emphasis on Wikipedia as a corpus to demonstrate the AIC as model selection criterion (thereby bypassing the Myles Boylan’s of the world) is simply because of my priority with the Hutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge as a way of demonstrating the principle of the AIC. Once demonstrated, I’m hoping (and of course you are free to call me a damn fool) that some innocent starry eyed economist or sociologist with an interest in machine learning will see it as the next step beyond Many Analysts, One Dataset – thinking that his real job isn’t to create lies for his superiors.