The Crazy Years


Almost all of the articles I looked at on itsnotgov dot org started with This is a stub or This Article is in progress









I do not know about London, but in California there is a Prop 13 which limits the rate of property tax increases. In California, proponents of rent control often point out that for a renter, the rent control serves a similar purpose as Prop 13 for a homeowner.


After losing communication with the Voyager 2 spacecraft due to sending a command that accidentally told it to point its antenna 2° away from Earth (see comment #2453 above), on 2023-08-04 communications were re-established by using a Deep Space Network antenna to “shout” a high-powered signal toward the spacecraft.

UPDATE, Aug. 4, 2023: NASA has reestablished full communications with Voyager 2.

The agency’s Deep Space Network facility in Canberra, Australia, sent the equivalent of an interstellar “shout” more than 12.5 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers) to Voyager 2, instructing the spacecraft to reorient itself and turn its antenna back to Earth. With a one-way light time of 18.5 hours for the command to reach Voyager, it took 37 hours for mission controllers to learn whether the command worked. At 12:29 a.m. EDT on Aug. 4, the spacecraft began returning science and telemetry data, indicating it is operating normally and that it remains on its expected trajectory.

Earlier, the Deep Space Network was able to detect the carrier signal from Voyager 2’s transmitter despite the antenna’s being mis-aimed.

UPDATE, Aug. 1, 2023: Using multiple antennas, NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) was able to detect a carrier signal from Voyager 2. A carrier signal is what the spacecraft uses to send data back to Earth. The signal is too faint for data to be extracted, but the detection confirms that the spacecraft is still operating. The spacecraft also continues on its expected trajectory. Although the mission expects the spacecraft to point its antenna at Earth in mid-October, the team will attempt to command Voyager sooner, while its antenna is still pointed away from Earth. To do this, a DSN antenna will be used to “shout” the command to Voyager to turn its antenna. This intermediary attempt may not work, in which case the team will wait for the spacecraft to automatically reset its orientation in October.

This ended up working.


We can barely keep track of two Voyagers. Imagine if we had built 6:



Nope, nothing genetic about propensity to violence—move along, nothing to see here….

The data plotted are from the 2011 Annals of Surgery paper, “Mortality, mauling, and maiming by vicious dogs”. Here is the full text, liberated from behind the paywall courtesy of Sci-Hub.

The statistics apparently did not include deaths due to tripping people.



Here is a link to Here is an article from that site, “How to remove a paywall in 2022?”.


Just imagine if anyone other than a leftist promoted this. Remember Sarah Palin being blamed for the Gabby Gifford shooting because of an ad that showed crosshairs? No stretch there, of course. Double standards of MSM = double legal standards enforced by Soros prosecutors. The stuff revolutions are made oof.


Some helpful guidance to drug addicts from Irish public health authorities:



Here is the link for background information and submitting comments.

With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
          — President Abraham Lincoln, Inaugural Address, March 4th 1865


Vibrant diversity in Sweden.

More than 50 people have been injured and dozens detained in Stockholm after opponents of the Eritrean government stormed an event in the Swedish capital organised by regime supporters.

About 1,000 anti-government demonstrators who had been authorised to hold a protest nearby broke through a police barrier, tearing down festival tents and setting booths and vehicles on fire.

“Another public gathering took place close to the festival site, during which a violent riot broke out,” police said, adding in a statement they had detained “around a hundred people”.

Police said they remained at the scene, in a suburb north-west of Stockholm, and were “continuing their efforts to disrupt criminal acts and restore order”.

Between 100 and 200 people were detained, according to a police spokesperson. Police said they had also opened an investigation into violent rioting and arson as well as obstruction of the work of police and rescue services.

Sweden is home to tens of thousands of people with Eritrean roots. The festival devoted to the cultural heritage of Eritrea is an annual event that has been held since the 1990s, but it has been criticised for allegedly serving as a promotional tool and source of money for the African nation’s government, according to Swedish media.



COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ark. (KATV) — A lawsuit has been filed against a Columbia County deputy, the sheriff, and the sheriff’s office after the deputy shoots at a dog, but strikes a woman standing on her front porch instead.

Tina Hight, the woman who was shot in August 2022, still has the bullet lodged in her shin. She’s now not only dealing with anxiety but also continuous doctor’s appointments.

She initially called 911 for help, but instead was shot on her own front porch she told Seven On Your Side.

In the video, Columbia County Deputy Brian Williams is heard shouting at the dog: “Get back, get your dog, I’ll kill this ************. Get your God**** dog."

Williams then fires a warning shot, but that quickly escalates.

There’s much more in the linked article, including the complaint in the lawsuit against the deputy and the sheriff’s department.