The Crazy Years

Guess what? Subsidies work! At least to the extent of promoting mall-investment.

On the other hand, both Germany and Texas have seen the reliability of their power supplies suffer. And it would be unfair to mention Germany’s current mad dash to expand strip-mining for nasty brown coal.

As King Pyrrhus sadly noted – If this is victory, our hands are not big enough to hold it.


Can hardly wait for the blowback on this.


Not just to ancient Egyptians but especially to most modern almost exclusively left-wing and mainly communist Sun-God/cult-of-personality leaders that remain embalmed to energize their disciples (ignore the Lord Nelson bizarre appearance on top to mask the names that follow):


And if they accidentally type “mumy”, to the cornfield!

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Shouldn’t it be “person of mummification”?


But couldn’t that indicate the ‘person who mummifies’ as much as the individual upon whom mummification is performed?

The wokeists are drawing a LOT of flak on this one. I’m just enjoying the schadenfreude from a distance… so far.


“the metabolically stagnant community”?



That’ll teach me to do scanty research, not be critical about sources. It was only in the tabloids and it’s causing major PR havoc at the institute in question.

Given my general disdain for boards, trustees of large institutions, plus the initial source (a trusted Egyptological friend - who is, I must allow, working in the field just now), I fell for the hoax. Mea culpa!


“Journalist” knowledge of firearms: from Vice World NewsInside El Chapo’s Son’s House After a Deadly Gunfight”, 2023-01-19.


Find all the lies/errors:


I found this thread quite illuminating about the state of the world (and I think @jabowery might have some thoughts about it):

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Communicating economic models:

Here’s Peter Norvig, the director of Google’s search quality, doing some interactive economic models:

Now remember, being correct and searching for the correct answer are considered white supremacy now John.


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For current approaches to generations of extralegal force (which are far from the only kind throughout history ref Lao Tsu for the value of subversion) I generally rely on John Robb’s analyses, although he’s been straying recently into large scale social dynamics behind military violence (ref “Swarms vs Nukes”). But one thing is clear about property values and the emergence of extralegal enforcement of property rights (up to and including capital punishment when places like LA can’t punish property-value denuding crime anymore):

So long as the Feds are fearful of non-elite (e.g. “working class”) heterosexual white men, they will impose the full power of the Federal government against any extralegal protection that is under the authority of those men. That this then empowers what Tom Wolfe called the “maumauing” factions to further extort from property owners in the guise of extralegal property rights protection is what happens when you no longer have northern barbarians to call in as your mercenaries, and must rely on southern barbarian mercenaries.

The reason I advocate is not because I’m unaware of this artificial selection regime favoring maumauing militias – but because the electrical grids present a technical challenge that the Feds are simply unable to deal with. When they go down, the Feds go down and when that happens people will be begging for all those “lazy stupid young white men with their video games” to take payment from property owners, rather than paying the relatively disciplined southern barbarian gangs (cartels). Too many people know too much about Mexico and other parts of the world, like South Africa.


Amusing how the cartridge left the gun in the same direction as the bullet.




Dr Fatima Cody Stanford is an associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and director of the National Institutes of Health Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) working group on workforce diversity.

Here is Dr Stanford in a 60 Minutes segment broadcast on 2023-01-01 expounding to news reader Leslie Stahl on the causes of obesity.

“The number one cause of obesity is genetics. That is, if you were born to parents who have obesity, you have a fifty to eighty percent likelihood of having the disease yourself, even with optimal diet, exercise, sleep management, stress management.”

In the reaction shots, Stahl looks like she’s sucking on a lemon hearing this.

Here is a chart, based upon World Health Organisation data, of the prevalence of obesity among adults in the United States from 1975 through 2016.

So, this must mean, based upon obesity’s “number one cause”, that over a period of four decades, the genetics of the U.S. population has changed so that the fraction of obese adults has tripled. And who said human evolution has ceased!

Pay no attention to the “Food Compass” and other dietary recommendations of “experts”—nothing to see there….


I submit an anti-genetic factor. I knew a family where the wife had very high metabolism and loved to cook. Husband and kids likely had normal metabolism but got obese. When son went off to college he lost a freshman 15.