The Crazy Years

Added the hyperlink. Unrelated, but also:



What am I missing? The dog not barking here is why she did not go to 23andme and get a test that indicated she was Irish-English instead of Polish and that she has a bunch of cousins named McCann.


I know someone who was found that way by a daughter he did not know of.


Interesting statistic. In all the years that I worked in an ED, I never saw a female-to-male surgical patient. Interestingly, the other way, while not common, were often enough examples that you got to recognize them almost immediately. You may be able to change some of the outward characteristics, but they remained recognizably male origin. I would expect females to be the same. The closest examples I can think of are female power weight lifters, and they still look female, albeit somewhat strange women.


Within 5 years starting in 2012, female-to-male (FtM) went from nonexistent to the majority:

Back in your day, the MtF were getting it done in their 40s. And a lot of them were big masculine guys to start with.

And, they can give the FtM testosterone and growth hormone doses that would be guaranteed to give a guy prostate cancer.

Also, when you do it to a 14-year old in either direction, it is more convincing.


Here is Steve Sailer on the three kinds of transgenderism in “The Truth About Pervs”. First, the original two, known for decades: the first broadcast widely and the second largely covered up.

The first type is early-onset gender dysphoria: extreme effeminacy in little boys or extreme tomboyism in little girls. This variety sometimes goes away with time (especially among tomboys) and often resolves itself into conventional adult homosexuality, and sometimes the sufferer can’t seem to live as his or her own sex and demands clothes, hormones, and even surgery.

The second and in some ways more socially important type is the male-only disorder of late-onset gender dysphoria. This is frequently (and perhaps always) related to a rather comic sex fetish called autogynephilia in which at puberty, a normally masculine boy begins dressing up in his mother’s lingerie and masturbating in front of the mirror, imagining himself as the beautiful girl he desires.

These used to be the two types, with the male to female direction overwhelmingly more common, particularly since the late-onset phenomenon is male only. What is much more recent, dating from around 2012, is “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” among girls.

In contrast, the tens of thousands of cases of rapid-onset gender dysphoria that have swept American adolescent girls since the Jenner whoop-de-do are a novel mental disease never before seen. It’s the most blatant and alarming example of cultural contagion I can recall in my lifetime.

Our institutions have responded by packing moody girls onto the express train to being poisoned with puberty blockers, mutilated by “gender-affirming” surgery, and permanently sterilized. While our society now has an appropriate horror of the sterilizations performed under old-time eugenics laws, elites are now complacently encouraging sterilization in response to a brand-new mental illness that didn’t exist even a decade ago.

For more about the latter craze, see Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier.


In reading about this sensible book on Amazon, I came across the second ‘review from the US’ by "Aleks", who says “I am LGBTQ” and goes on to make a concise and extremely clear statement of what is actually going on. It is well worth the 2 minute read.

Given the wall-to-wall insanity as to most everything I have ever believed to be essential for a decent, peaceable society, I will not likely buy the book. For my own emotional wellbeing, I find it necessary to reduce the contagion (and even its suggested antidotes, which I view as no longer even possibly effective) to which I expose myself. This is lest the rails I ride corrode to the point of crumbling. It’s not that I might go off these rails, you see, as was the traditional image heretofore. It’s that today’s, narcissistic, autocratic, nihilistic, purportedly woke utopians, are really about the business (vigorously employing the very fascism, hubris and violent coercion they formulaicly condemn in any who differ - and the so-called ‘media’ amplify) of removing any and all principles, guidelines or beliefs which once kept a decent - though imperfect - society on course and cohesive enough to function. These evildoers are intentional agents of social chaos. In their blind lust for power, they understand that if they can force all humankind negate the knowledge (= science) of the binary nature of biological sex, they - in their infinite power over all - can force belief in anything - including society’s absolute need for their rule over our every thought and action - in order to end the chaos they, themselves, have brought on.

Kindly excuse this therapeutic ejaculation of venom; I think it well-deserved. Once in a while my exasperation and powerlessness build up and need release.


You are right, CT. This seems to have come on just as I left work to retire. Perhaps at just the right moment. Not sure how I would have reacted to all this mental illness - AND the “parents” driving it. ?Who would want to see their beautiful little girl disfigured so, with no chance of recovery! I have seen some pretty horrific auto accidents with attendant beautiful results of reconstructive surgery, but THIS!

This is stuff I would associate with Mengele.


I wholeheartedly agree with your frustration, which inspired me to write a separate post at Wedge Issues and What to Do About Them

I’m also a happy user of responding to fools using these two websites for heightened quality of discourse, for example (definitely not aimed at @civilwestman - just showing an example):


Who will stand up for the undocumented bovines?


Some poetry from the folks who deliver 8.5% inflation:

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Attempting to keep the electric power grid on in South Africa will get you killed – presumably because you were stupid enough to stay around rather than fleeing as did Musk. Although I do have to cut a lot of the African whites some slack since I did encounter cases in Zimbabwe where sons and daughters of Britain could not flee to any of the common wealth nations because their ancestors had been among the earliest settlers in Africa – hence were no longer considered eligible. The same presumably can be said for many of the Boer with whom I’m no doubt related. Indeed, one couple trying to flee to New Zealand was rejected while I was there – and a big part of the problem they encountered was that the NZ government considered the whites who stuck around in Zimbabwe to be “racists” and they didn’t want any “racists” getting into their country. One rather PC Kiwi I knew in Washington State said as much to me.


…although I keep waiting to see what regulatory shackle will provoke Elon Musk to tweet “I emigrated to the wrong country”.


Elon Musk smacks down Ralph Nader.
