The Road To Panspermia Is Paved With Sexual Perversion

There is a lot of Big Think potential in the topic of panspermia but I don’t think anyone has thought through the implications from the standpoint of the consequences of evolutionary bottlenecking and the “good enough” threshold.

Consider the hypothesis of planets as organisms that periodically send out spores. What I mean by “good enough” is that if there is no serious competition for resources, all evolution demands of a planetary organism is that it be good enough to exploit those resources (planets) so as to replicate the digital information coding the organism. By “bottlenecking” I mean that in order for mutations to be meaningful, the digital information being mutated needs to have sufficient integrity that the expressed phenotypes are replicable (as in a scientific experiment being replicable based on a recipe or experimental protocol) and that means not confounding the digital information to the point that ontogeny is drowned in the noise. In ordinary organisms, this would be, say, the DNA of an asexually reproducing organism, or, in the case of sexually (meotically) reproducing species, a combination of the gamete and the mating environment within which it finds its mate.

OK, so we have these two different forms of bottlenecking: mitosis and meosis, right? What would a planetary organism most resemble? What might its “spores” look like?

It’s pretty obvious that the planetary organism would more-resemble an asexually reproducing organism where asexual spores are “good enough” for the purposes of evolution.

Now, let’s consider a stage of such an organism’s onotgeny as involving the utilization of hydrothermal ores for materials possessing critical properties for technological civilization capable of launching spores. I’m not going to speculate on what those materials might be but consider the unique characteristics of tungsten or molybdenum or even uranium. Whatever. The point is that technological civilization requires civilization. But what, exactly, constitutes civilization – a phenotype that only recently developed on Earth?

Some might say the answer is “cities” and they’d not be entirely off the mark, although before we jump all the way to James Blish’s “Cities In Flight” as an exemplar of these “spores”, let’s consider the incompatibility between cities and sex.

Sodom and Gomorrah is the archetype of the cities as pits of sexual perversion but there is more here than mere archetype as cities are population sinks: The affordability of family formation is far lower in cities for a wide variety of reasons – not the least of which is that their economies outbid young men for the reproductive years of young women. Various attempts to deal with this like, for example, financing police forces from the proceeds of temple prostitutes has worked in various civilizations to slow the depletion of the population’s genetic ore, but ultimately the countryside is necessary to provide a source for the sink. While there are some populations that become genetically adapted to cities and maintain reproductive rates, ultimately the purpose of cities as stem-cells for spores requires only that enough intelligence remains in the population to support the increasingly externalized intelligence of the stem-cells. And, indeed, there is a problem with even the remnant sexuality and intelligence of the population causing disruption of spore production:

Intelligent masculine individuality.

Let’s take for example the need for intelligent masculine individuality in the case of paleolithic hunters in northern Europe who have replaced conspecifics in their hunting packs with a wolf pack under their command. Each household will, in the dead of winter, have to defend a sufficient area to gather sufficient winter calories to attract and support a mate and her children. When these turfs overlap there will occasionally arise conflicts in which two such individual men will end up hunting each other with at most one household surviving the winter. Although male intrasexual selection exists throughout sexual species, this specific kind of selection is for a far more general kind of intelligence than is, say, close combat. And we have records from the way the pre-civil Norse were civilized by JudeoChristianization that illustrate exactly the conflict between intelligent masculine individuality and said civilization:

The same Althing that adopted JudeoChristianity as the state religion also outlawed holmgang (“You two guys go out to that island (holm) and one at most comes back.”) as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing. Outlawing holmgang, by the way, gave rise to an explosion in blood feud as group conflict became necessary as the last-resort which, in turn, created authority structures better adapted for mass warfare thence population concentrations known as cities.

Protospores simply can’t tolerate the disruption of their structures by intelligent components “calling out” “positions of authority” into a state of nature in disputes over access to resources for sexual reproduction such as fertile age females – females as genetic ore being mined out by the process of spore development. Oh, sure, its desirable to maintain some individual integrity for the purpose of creativity – but only until that creativity can be externalized in the machinery of the protospores, at which point things like the US Constitution become pointless from the spore generation point of view.

So we end up with this image from “The Church of Iceland” as “the fruit” of JudeoChristianization:

This illustration of a gay trans Jesus with breasts is absolutely horrifying to some calling themselves “Christians” but for others calling themselves “Christians” it “just feels so RIGHT!”

This division in humanity between the culture of individual integrity and the culture of group integrity may, I conjecture, be the split between the mother planet and its (I don’t say “her”) spores.

I could take this further, but consider the possibility that what is going on with the explosive conflict between masculinity and civilization is actually a stage in the development of planetary spores – development that finds sex to be not only unnecessary but a barrier to launching spores.

This isn’t to say that spores taking the form of say space colonies (ala O’Neill) will not have sexually reproducing humans, it’s just that if one views these colonies as asexually reproducing cells that exponentiate, it is pretty clear they will end up competing for whatever resources there are in space. As a result they’ll evolve toward internal components consisting of organelles optimized for consuming other cells. They won’t be necessary as sexually reproducing organelles that might be supported by early stages of evolution in O’Neill colonies.

The ultimate “eat or be eaten” stage of interstellar cellular evolution would be toward just DNA or even just RNA “payloads” surrounded by a shell of minimal inorganic machinery specialized at eating the shells of competing “spores” – not at refining hydrothermal ores which are, after all, the “good enough” destination for the digital information in the organic molecules.

So they just drop their organic molecules at a bunch of planets – many being unsuitable for hydrothermal ore creation – but a few having hydrothermal ores and the conditions for the continuation of life.

Meanwhile, what happens back on the “mother” planet?

I suspect atrophy of the spore stem-cells permitting a resurgence of sexual evolution.


If resources in the universe are truly unboundedly large compared to those on a planet or even a star system, this might imply that successful replicators on that scale will likely be r-strategists as described in The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics.

The r-strategist (bacteria, rabbits) wins by out-reproducing competitors in a resource-rich environment, and sacrifices complexity, fault-tolerance, and general purpose adaptability to increase replication rate.

The K-strategist (wolves, humans pre-socialism) competes for scarce resources by large investment in their offspring and preparing for an uncertain future.

Perhaps it takes Ks to build the spore probes, but the ones that win and end up tiling the universe as Grabby Aliens are r all the way and dumber than interstellar dust.

This might not be obvious to us only because we happened to appear so early in the history of the universe that we don’t see any grabby aliens in our sky.


Right. I suppose I should have mentioned that I was addressing only the niche our technological civilization occupies – exploitation of hydrothermal ores – which are notoriously rare resources (hence favor Ks) compared to the abundant lighter elements like hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc. for which r-strategists would be specialized. Sexuality then enables evolution of nervous systems hence cognition capable of modeling the universe to the point that those ores can be turned into spores that include the refinements necessary to deliver the K molecules to the next hydrothermal ore planet.


There’s an additional nuance to this r vs K ansatz that may make asexual vs sexual reproduction prior to it. I’m positing a planetary reproductive cycle with these stages, starting with single cellular life say 3 billion years ago:

  • (Asexual, r): a few billion years of “war” between eat-or-be-eaten cellular mats leading to multicellular specialization (such as slime mold with fruiting bodies, etc.)
  • (Sexual, r): several hundred million years of gametes sniffing out and sizing up each other leading to primate neurons – conflict is primarily individual vs individual and predatory
  • (Sexual, K): several million years of more efficient primate neurons modeling the environment leading to Man – “conspiracy” and gang-formation becomes a capacity due to neural complexity
  • (Asexual, K): several thousand years of slime mold-like fruiting bodies suppressing individual vs individual male intrasexual selection thereby converting Man, the sexual being, and hydrothermal ores, into hardened spores containing the organic molecules that then enter into a space-borne eat-or-be-eaten evolution of continual war, reducing the internal organic beings into constituent molecules as payload

The point is that (Asexual, K), while in space, becomes specialized in seeking out and metabolizing competing “cellular mats” because that is the most readily available source of the critical hydrothermal ore materials which have been liberated from the hydrothermal planetary gravity well. These hardened shells also protect the internal organic molecules from competition with the space-borne (Asexual, r) organic molecules that are specialized for eating light elements (O, N, C, H, etc.) including other organic (Asexual, r) molecules available in space.

The only place where “war” appears to me to be consistent with the evolution of consciousness as we think of it (modeling our place in the universe) is in the evolution of its precursor, sex thence nervous systems, as progress from slime mold-like cellular mats (with some specialized cells) into fully sexual multicellular creatures and predation as apparently happened at the Cambrian explosion. Since the only place where the hydrothermal ores necessary for the (Asexual, K) organisms exists is in their ultimate destination for their organic payloads, they appear to have no evolutionary incentive to develop higher orders of sexuality in space.

What most-interests me is the place, within a biosphere depleted of hydrothermal ores, for Man as moral animal guiding his own evolutionary direction in the artificial selection regime called “culture” to become a fully moral animal, but doing so with respect to preserving both the biosphere AND his own prior structure: asexual cells → sex → cognition → morals.

PS: Too bad Cameron has his head stuck up his ass about male intrAsexual selection due to his nascent lobotomization by the desexing of Man, or his Avatar series could explore the way intelligent masculine individual mutual hunt in nature could lead to a healthy relationship between biodiversity and intelligent morality. As things stand, the guy is a moral moron.


There’s a fascinating slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, lovingly referred to as ‘dicty’:

When times are good, dicties are libertarian, feeding on their own. When times are bad, dicties bunch up together like communists and form a spore that will let a small subset of all the participating dicties land on another planet err pile of horse manure where they can repeat the libertarian part of the cycle.


Anton Petrov’s video released today, about O’Neill habitats, is a good sign that influencers are thinking correctly about the transition. But I’m afraid it may well be too little too late.

A “Great Filter” may be disruption of the transition to fruiting bodies – such as O’Neill habitats. O’Neill habitats would’ve been done decades ago had JFK used prize incentives to land on the moon. Instead, NASA held The Nation of Settlers down while the Feds gang-raped the Boomers with mass immigration to centralize wealth (GOP) and stuff voting booths (DEMS).

The centralization of wealth in the private sector and centralize power in the public sector appears to be closing off options faster than the remnant Settler culture can out run it.

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating:

If Musk and Bezos are serious about their life’s mission of dispersing life, their top priority should be to replace the 16th Amendment with a tax on liquidation value of net assets and to replace government spending with a citizen’s dividend – as I advocated in the wake of the Launch Services Purchase Act of 1990. This would have been far more effective for Musk than Bezos – especially when Musk was the world’s richest man and since Musk’s wealth is far less dependent on positive network externalities (economic rents) than Bezos. But either man could literally save the planet and disperse life, not to mention establish themselves heroes in the mythic vocabulary of the future.


An individual human life is very fragile. A man alone does not stand a chance. Our individual powerlessness leads us to look for the Man in the White Hat to ride into town and clean up the mess. That is never going to happen – no disrespect intended to Bezos or Musk.

President Trump is a good example of how little one man can achieve against a government full of entrenched opposition, even from his nominal supporters. Or think about Alexander the Great, who unified much of the known world in his short life – but was not around to see it all fall to pieces after his death.

The question is not whether Bezos or Musk can save us. The question is whether enough of us are willing to get together and save ourselves.


Finding the right level of power centralization is problematic. Too much and specialized power grabbers neutralize it. Too little and there is inadequate power to matter.

The cultures of group integrity are not capable of walking this tightrope because they don’t have to think about the basis of power centralization – they are all about power centralization as the ultimate utility function: Eat or be eaten. All cognitive capacity is spent toward that war of all against all* with no higher utility. Having lost the capacity to think at a higher, meta-level of the meaning of life, they need the culture of individual integrity for guidance. They need the culture of individual integrity to get into space where they belong, rather than simply devouring the biosphere, including devouring people of sufficient individual integrity they even can be serious about anything but power, such as “saving the planet” rather than using that rhetoric to merely acquire more power. I can attest that there is not a single “environmentalist” group that is remotely capable of being serious about the environment.

In order for the culture of individual integrity to form groups with sufficient power to overcome the mindless eat or be eaten culture of group integrity, there needs to be a better understanding of the very word “culture” as a verb. To “culture” is to artificially select. Culture, as a noun, is an artificial selection regime. Cultures of group integrity are barely worthy of the word “culture” since they are really an entropic (natural) process rather than a deliberative process.

When individuals of integrity form themselves into powerful groups, they must do so with a contractual cognizance – a meeting of the minds about what it means to culture individual integrity. This contractual incorporation is of a temporary nature – as was the original statement of purpose of the L5 Society: Disband at a meeting in an O’Neill habitat at the Lagrange point 5. Such temporary incorporations to wage a quasi-war are otherwise known as “Declarations of War” and must state, from the outset, not only that they will dissolve into individual agents at the accomplishment of the aim, but also that they will at least attempt to mitigate the loss of genetic capacity of individual integrity that always accompanies war.

* Hobbes had it backwards. In a world without Leviathan – without gangs (or larger group organisms) – you have only single combat in nature: The male intRAsexual selection source of the Cambrian explosion that has been going on for ~600M years, not “war” as in the eusocial insects. It is only in the a world of Leviathan Sovereignty that we have “war of all against all”.


The Whale and The Dragon’s Hoard

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Which brings to mind a post-apocalyptic movie idea in which all the obese people turn out to be caloric stores for a eusocial species that “harvests” them after The Great Work of building a Global Economy over the course of several thousand years.


“scale up civilization or… move back in the forest”…

“we domesticated wolves…very aligned”
Yeah, but that was with vertical transmission ie: Father To Son. Rentier “capitalism” evolves virulence via horizontal transmission.

If you want to play your “expanding technological civilization” game, do it off planet and stop parasitically castrating men in the biosphere by denying them their natural right – apparent in masculine aggression since the Cambrian explosion – to individual mutual predation in nature. That’s the essence of the divide and it need not be in conflict unless guys like you fail to understand what I just said about sex.




What cosmic or even planetary processes enrich metallic ore by atomic number other than those on hydrothermal planets? I include in this even interstellar gases as potential metal ore.

Do supernovae provide sufficient radiatively driven mass acceleration to create concentric shells differentiated by atomic number? (Even though mixed with adjacent atomic number isotopes.)


“Leviathan and Its Enemies” is speciously relevant. As managerialism becomes ever more oppressive, it is easy to forget what corrupted the “bourgeois” in the first place. Don’t bother reading it until you’ve understood Militia.Money.


he Kóryos were required to kill their dogs as part of the rite of passage from a culture of individual integrity to a culture of group integrity: From single combat to war as the allocation of territory/land ownership. This reversed the Pleistocene process whereby young men would sometimes rebel and be excluded from the human hunting group, thereby initiating the culture of individual integrity where the young man would command and coevolve with a wolf pack if not killed by the wolf pack.

The Devouring Mother occurs at the adolescent rite of passage into individual sovereignty that is 600M years old in all non-eusocial sexual species:

“Crossing the threshold to eusociality requires only that a female and her adult offspring do not disperse to start new, individual nests but instead remain at the old nest.”

This, by the way, is why anyone responsible for rearing boys should define “education” as geared toward having built a debt-free homestead by at age 18. In particular, preachers failed in their responsibility to boys in their congregations.

Until “conservatives” have their “Come To Jesus Moment” about their failure of boys, the “liberal” Devouring Mothers will relentlessly increase their pogrom of parasitic castration.

And… NO… the idea that educating boys to be subservient to Elon Musk etc. as their rite of passage is the camel’s nose in the tent. Only if the young men start out adulthood with a “fuck you homestead” as opposed to “fuck you money”, will their choice of serving Elon Musk be anything but a capitulation to The Devouring Mother.


Andrew Edwards (author of King of Dogs) invited me to his Warhorse esoteric survivalism podcast and asked what I might like to talk about. The problem, of course, is there is “too much” to talk about given all that is going on. I suspect this xeet precipitated his invitation:

And of course feeding into that is an entire litany of ideas I’ve set forth that strike many as incoherent but which do have a logical structure brought into perspective by the phrase I gave him for a point of departure into that structure: “Cyclogenetic Eschatology”.

When I woke up this morning that is the phrase I composed to express the cohering ansatz.

Then guess what should show up in my YouTube feed but two videos on the topic by two prominent physics YouTubers: