If Trump dies from his wound…..

Stuart Knight announced his resignation shortly after Reagan was shot (March 30, 1981) but he stayed until November 30, 1981. He was appointed by Nixon in 1973.


Don’t worry about poor Ms. Cheat-us. She is a Demoncrat operative. She will probably get a sinecure professorship at some Ivy League institution. She will write a book that will get a huge advance, non-refundable even if the book never sells a single copy. And she will get major fees from New York City banks for 30-minute after-lunch presentations.

On the downside, she will be expected to share a significant part of that financial good fortune by becoming a major Demoncrat contributor.


Surely, that or an equivalent sinecure is already in place. Because… democrat.


Count on the Bee for up-to-the-minute news on this subject.


A fairly informative video about the Trump assassination attempt:



Okay at this point, I don’t understand what ChatGPT is for. I get that it’s only “chatting” so it makes up stuff it “thinks” might amuse the interlocutor, and that’s a feature not a bug. So is it just like a gossipy friend you might call up even though you know a lot of what she says isn’t true?


Not a bad analogy, if your “gossipy friend” is a Far Left Loonie as baseline.


Tru dat! But I mean, what DO people use it for, since by now everybody knows about the “hallucination”? Surely nobody could or would use it for research of any kind.


For silly stuff or non political. My friend used it to update his website: his biography. He is a musician.

There are other LLM and AI chatbots. Perplexity is left wing but doesn’t deny Thomas Crooks shot Trump. Plus they provide citations so anyone can double check

LLM means large language model



What is the likelihood that you’ll get into a car accident and have to pay for damages? How much money per month do you pay for car insurance?

OK, now:

What is the likelihood that if Trump had actually died, we’d be shooting our neighbors right now? How much money per month do you pay for Thirty Years War insurance?


Interview after interview, war history expert, Victor Davis Hanson’s response to the Trump assassination attempt is like a political pundit commenting on electoral strategy, not the potential for a rhyme with The Thirty Years War.

He blew a fuse.


Oh Jabowery! That interview had me as close to tears as I’ve been in years. There was such truth in it. Our “betters” as Gavin would label them are separate from the rest of the nation. And all those things that once made the world “right’ are no longer there. I lived in a suburb of Chicago that was a lot of horse farms, etc. Minimal size land was several acres. In other words, wealthy. When Dessert Storm came, I was the only one in the whole neighborhood who went. Rumor was there was one other guy, but I didn’t, and still don’t, know him. When my daughter told her kindergarten teacher her dad had gone to war, the teacher took it upon herself to call my wife to tell her Jo was telling fibs in school, claiming her dad had gone to war. When my wife affirmed that I HAD indeed been called up and gone to Active Duty, the teacher was totally flustered, not knowing what to say or think. TO HER it was inconceivable that anyone she knew would be going to war. It was so “gosh”.

A change, she is a-coming! And it won’t be “good”.


What breaks my heart is not that others didn’t volunteer it’s men like you did. I was raised to volunteer for precisely that faux “Final Battle”.
I tried to warn people like you of what was going to happen at the turn the millennium to further destroy the founding stock of America as well as American freedom in a Pan Western fascist Reichstag fire to consume a resource that had a use by date stamped on it from the Scofield Bible.

The only thing worse than grinding up our heroes on behalf of the NeoCons is sending young women raised in Christian churches into the brain grinder of academia where they are saddled with mortgage sized debts they can’t escape even in bankruptcy, forcing them to become whores in the urban centers.


Insert “Cone of Silence” and Cybertruck jokes.


It only takes an unguarded second or two to kill a mortal. And I’m now convinced: they intend to do it. The risk to the Dementocrats is too great. God save our once and future President.




It only takes an unguarded second or two to kill a mortal. And I’m now convinced: they intend to do it. The risk to the Dementocrats is too great. God save our once and future President.]

While very true, the non-sequetur is that it is terribly hard to kill a human being. My first company commander was on his second tour in Nam. On his first he went out with a patrol and was Tail-End-Charlie coming back through the wire. The sentry watching the patrol come back miscounted, thought the captain was a gook that had attached himself to the patrol and stitched him with his M-14. Captain took seven hits across his body from the fire. Yet he lived. He shouldn’t have, but he did. There are all manner of similar stories in combat, many not believable in the retelling unless you were there and saw it personally.

So I would say what every grunt in the line companies says. “Ain’t my time yet!” sotto voce and then adds under his breath, “I hope.”. The Don will not be killed. They may, indeed, attempt it again, but I say he will “dodge the bullet” yet again. Such are the odds of life in combat.


:crossed_fingers:that he has a charmed life!