The Crazy Years

The CDC has lost all credibility and is too political because it’s left wing. Being in Atlanta is a big reason. The city has a large black population and too many non-black liberals, a deleterious combination more dangerous than smoking.

Instead of hiring more biostatisticians and epidemiologists , the focus has been on DEI and gun control. “The second amendment is a public health crisis.”


How about because it’s evil? I don’t hear a lot of outrage on the “right”.


How does one distinguish ‘left wing’ from ‘evil’?


I don’t know, but the same question can be asked about how one distinguishes “right wing” from evil…for me, they’re just two sides of the same coin. On this particular issue, let’s just say that the slience is deafening (on the right).


And Trump still thinks that Operation Warp Speed and the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I was never a “Never Trumper”—in fact, I was cautiously optimistic that Trump might offer a faint shimer of a glimmer of a hope (which was more than I could say for anyone else at the time)—but he’s dead to me now.


My definition of evil is “preferring the worse to the better”, especially doing so because it is worse. The connection to leftism is partly via their dogma of equality, which leads them to claim that if the worse isn’t doing as well as the better, it must be due to bigotry, so the worse, they say, should be preferred to the better to equalize outcomes. I say that any system of ethics that says to not prefer the better to the worse is unworthy of the name.

With regard to the CDC particularly, in 2017-19 I drove dozens of CDC people for Uber. I’m relaxed about bio labs - my dad is a pathologist, with a decades-long solo clinical, anatomic and forensic practice; I lived near Ft. Detrick for years (the biowar lab that closed in 2019), I’ve done some bacteriology work myself. Most of the CDC people were lovely, especially the field researchers.

But there were a few that gave me the absolute heebie-jeebies - just off the charts bad vibes with nothing I could put my finger on as to why, other than the “duper’s delight” smirk. Evil, in a word. Driving, I had only intermittent glances in the mirror to go on, but my subconscious put its foot down and forced me to stop driving around November 2019. Several other pieces of information contributed - the closure of Ft. Detrick, the lung disease supposedly caused by vaping, but most of all, the unprecedented secret meetings at the CDC, with even top assistants barred, that I learned about from a passenger.


Well written. Please excuse the snark in my original post.


This building has a 24 hour door man.

What the heck ???


Judge Tosses Challenge, Upholds Law Allowing ‘Noncitizens’ to Vote in DC


I once thought uneducated became unskilled workers, doing those jobs people generally didn’t like. I now see my mistake - a significant number of dunces apparently become judges.


Most judges are unqualified to do anything including law interpretation


Interpreting the law is not difficult. Judges have a relatively easy job if they follow the law vs making judgment calls.

But following the law is boring and anonymous so judges invent new legal theories which make them popular in academia and the media and sometimes Hollywood


No question he screwed the pooch on the WuFlu. That he’s still bragging about it is disappointing. In the short term, however, he’s better than any of the possible alternatives. In the longer term, there’s no future for the current system. The GAE will break up into smaller pieces.

The accelerationist alternative is to re-elect Mumbly Joe. Maybe that’s the best. Matter of taste, I suppose.


Hilarious. Deep fakes are going to make the coming years fun until people start ignoring video as evidence of reality.


A part of me just wants to get it over with and move on to whatever the next thing will be (I assume it will involve China in some significant way) as it’s extremely painful to watch our once great people and culture get ripped apart piece by piece. On the other hand, I know that things are going to be really bad after the collapse, so as you say, it’s a matter of taste…pick your poison. A smart (young?) man would probably want to prolong the current system for as long as possible to “get while the gettin’s good” so-to-speak while developing an exit plan to move to some saner, still civilized place in the world with some in-demand hard skills and easily transferrable assets in tow when the inevitable collapse happens (or better yet, build up some assets in that place, out of reach of Western governments and the government-controlled financial system). Eon’s definition of evil—“preferring the worse to the better, especially doing so because it is worse"—is a good working definition. I try not to be evil, so I will always choose what I perceive to be the lesser of the evils. Given a choice between Biden or Trump, it’s hard. In the end, it probably won’t make much difference…Presidents don’t run the show anyway.