The Crazy Years

Biden is awful for many reasons. Choice isn’t difficult

Federalism and secession are the best ways forward.

Federalism has delayed the collapse of our current arrangement


I’m afraid it goes well beyond judgment calls. It is setting policy from the bench - legislating from the bench and it has gone on for far too long. Much of it is unseen and unknown by the general public. In administrative law courts, where the meaning of laws are at stake, a complicatied process occurs like this: activists challenge a law, claiming it is not severe enough - like environmental rules. The players in this stealthy drama are 1. plaintiff environmentalist wackos, 2. agency environmental lawyers (in sympathy with the plaintiffs), 3. an administrative law judge (appointee), a statist. None have any accountability to voters or anyone else. All are self-selected leftists/statists. The result is usually a “consent decree” which actually outlives most legislation, and which is far more extreme than the legislation intended and it becomes eternal. All this is sub rosa, yet it rules the entire country.


Exhibit A: Operation Wap Speed

I’m sorry, but I can’t gloss that one over. Out of all people, Trump should have known better because he was already sensitized on the topic by being well informed about the potential danges associated with vaccination and the insane CDC-recommended childhood vaccination schedule. He has no excuse. But as I said before, Presidents don’t run the show—Trump probably had very little to no say in the matter. So much for having a choice. Vote Harder™.





Exhibit A: Operation Wap Speed

I’m sorry, but I can’t gloss that one over. Out of all people, Trump should have known better because he was already sensitized on the topic and well informed about the potential danges associated with childhood vaccination. He has no excuse. But as I said before, Presidents don’t run the show. Maybe Trump was forced to go along. So much for having a choice.]

You seem to have expectations of political infallibility that is just not practical. Reflect upon the times. We were faced with an unknown danger and attempting to find a way to counter it The world was in the fevered grasp of crowd psychosis. People tend to react without much critical thinking when faced with a serious danger. Consider the initial responses to AIDS. Or the “toilet paper crisis”.

Let’s remember Trump is a real estate developer, not a math or science whiz. He had poor advisors. There weren’t many people at the time who recognized that all the screaming and hollering was mostly the cattle lowing over the nearness of a wolf pack. The fact Trump went along with the vaccine only makes him similar to over. 90% of the world at the time.

OTOH, look at his overall achievements. THOSE are why he is such a pariah today. They represent an existential threat to the “ruling elite” and their whole corrupt state. So in my mind, not being willing to vote for Trump is not being willing to attempt to rectify anything without having to go to combat. Session appears as the only other valid avenue, and I’m not willing to go there yet.


So true! We know that even military “leaders” effectively did not follow orders from their Commander-in-Chief when President Trump was in office – to say nothing about all the rest of the bureaucrats in the DC Swamp.

In principle (as in, the Constitution), Congress runs the show, with the President there merely to execute the decisions from our “elected” representatives. The same Congress that just passed yet another 1,000 page monstrosity to add to the never-to-be-repaid National Debt.

The Political/Bureaucratic DC Swamp Class is out of control. Voting for President is not going to change that. The only thing that will change it is the inevitable economic collapse when foreigners decide that it is no longer in their own interests to accept freshly-printed IOUs in exchange for the manufactured imports which the US so desperately needs.

We are priviliged to live in a period of history similar to the collapse of the Roman Empire. Personally, I would not have bought a ticket to this event – but since we are here, we might as well witness it closely.


Regarding the COVID shot, the worst part was the mandate. I have not seen any evidence that Trump made the shot mandatory. The mandates occurred after he left office.

I left out a third option, not voting. I fully support not voting at all. The main reason I fill out my mail ballot is to prevent fraudulent use. At least that’s what I tell myself


This was a big miss by me. Thanks for covering.

The agencies especially EPA have become insane and power hungry. Too many laws are not laws but massive delegation of power to three letter agencies.


Thank you, Satoshi Nakamoto.




From what I’ve seen, the young men appear to favor accelerationism. Old guys favor running out the clock unless they’re worried about their offspring. Even for them, the choice is not obvious. Is it better for those youth for it to burn down slowly or quickly? All that’s certain is that it will burn down; the GAE is finished.


No, I don’t expect perfection from our political leaders, but roughly 4 years after the fact, I do expect a little reflection and an honest assessment of what actually happened. The fact that Trump continues to double- and triple-down on how great he was for implementing Operation Warp Speed and the wonders of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines makes me seriously question anything he says. Is Trump also “captured” by the pharmaceutical industry like our regulatory agencies? Sorry, but if you lie to me about one thing, chances are you’ll lie to me about anything.

Yes, AIDS was another manufactured crisis with Fauci at the center. COVID-19 is to AIDS what mRNA vaccines (and remdesivir) are to AZT.

You don’t need to be a math or science whiz to have common sense, discernment and wisdom (should we expect anything less from a man who has his finger on the nuclear button?). In his position as a high-end real estate developer, Trump rubbed shoulders and established relationships with a wide cross-section of elite society, including doctors, lawyers and business men. Trump is a man very much of the world and he is not naive to the machinations and corruption in all aspects of society, including the medical field. The fact that Trump had concerns with childhood vaccination tells me that he was aware of this.

I’m not in the medical field, but when this so-called vaccine was announced (and I initially bought into all the fear about a deadly virus), here’s what I knew at the time:

  1. No human vaccine for a corona virus (much less a “novel” one) had ever been approved before, and it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
  2. mRNA technology (gene therapy) had never been mass deployed before, despite the technology being around for decades.
  3. It is impossible to fast-track mid- and long-term safety studies.

Many people “on the right” who would have otherwise been extremely skeptical about the vaccine, took it anyway because they trusted Trump.

So much for America leading the world and more evidence that the President isn’t really in charge.

All part of the ratcheting machine. Sure, he did some good things, but has anything fundamentally changed? The “ruling elite” that were in power before Trump are still in power now. Do you think that will change with a second term? I think that Trump is actually a part (or a pawn) of the ruling elite—he certainly doesn’t represent an existential threat to them. We were (and are being) played.

Voting for Trump will not change anything. Call me a coward (I don’t care), but I’m not willing to sacrifice my life for this country, particularly when I have no idea what’s going on or who’s really pulling the strings. I won’t (willingly) allow myself or anyone I love to become cannon-fodder in some sick, twisted game.


Sounds like you are voting third party or not at all, a position I support

I recently changed my registration to a third party, not because I agree with them but less mail and digital correspondence


Perhaps. But doing nothing certainly won’t change anything. At least with Trump there is a chance for change - of some sort. I don’t think anyone on this forum is happy with much of anything going on at the moment. Consider, though, how long it took for the communists to march through the country and bring us to this condition. We need to expect that IF there is to be change, it won’t be sudden nor complete, short of open combat. NO ONE wants that I don’t believe. So if you have a better place to start, let it out. Otherwise complaining aboutt DJT doesn’t move the pieces on the field any. And if DJT is such a bad choice, then ?why are the elite so focused on getting rid of him they are willing to do obviously illegal things. (Yes, I know - part of that calculation is that they won’t bear any of the consequences.)


Short of prayer, I’m not sure that there is anything anyone (at least anyone in my position) can realistically do except have a “plan B” (which in my mind should actually be “plan A”) and try to save one’s self and family. If there’s a gaping hole in the side of a ship in the middle of a storm, it’s going down…there’s nothing anyone can do to save it…time to start looking for a lifeboat.

Yes, it took a long time to get to where we are and it will take a long and sustained effort to reverse it. Do you think our political system and leadership is capable of that? Yeah, neither do I. So, at best we have a ratcheting effect.

I think I’ve made it clear in many of my comments that I don’t have any answers…I don’t even pretend to know what the question is. It’s clear to me that our political system is designed to give people the illusion of control and is completely incapable of effecting any real, lasting change (at least in the interest of the people). "Vote Harder"™, hasn’t proven to be an effective strategy, so far.

Bread and circuses…a distraction to occupy people’s minds. I don’t take anything I read in the media (mainstream or alternative) at face value anymore. I’ve been “burned” too many times. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all fake.

Sorry for being so pessimistic—I’m just tied of being manipulated. Anyway, for what it’s worth, I hope I’m wrong.


Oh I’ll probably end up supporting Trump…but he’s still dead to me…I have zero expectations.


I think you’re right, particularly, if these young men have no marketable skills or job prospects. Collapse now or collapse later…it’s a wash for them. Actually, it’s probably better for them…they’re still young and relatively healthy…not like some of us older folks who rely on a (semi-)functioning healthcare system to survive.


They are trying to save themselves from being stomped by Russia


This is very strange. These groups never criticize their peers at least not in public to western media