What is a degree in social work?
What is the curriculum for social work?
What is a degree in social work?
What is the curriculum for social work?
How Reagan dealt with college campus lunacy
Sounds to me like a serious case of innumeracy. Not long ago, one of the MSM talking heads made a similar statement about some billionaire being able to give everyone a million dollars. Only off by about 6 orders of magnitude. If the feds confiscated the annual income, maybe even the entire assets of every billionaire, it would not make a dent in the annual deficit, much less the national debt.
Senile virtue signaling
No one is stopping Warren from giving all his money to the federal government
In other words. Berkshire is way to big. Too much concentration of the means of production and should be immediately dismantled.
Concentration of business is a serious threat to a self governing people.
Nobody will tell the fraudster that just like it took 25 years for someone to finally ask him why he simply doesn’t pay more tax voluntarily since he claims he should.
If you watch his face in that interview when Becky Quick finally asks the obvious you will see the real Warren and not the made up golly gee facade he has perfected.
Would love a deep (timestamped) link into a video to watch this!
At least it did not burn.
Although one could ask AI to write a story where, during the storm, waves would temporarily form portions of the arrays into moving paraboloids reflecting sunlight into space and damaging satellites.
Funny how The Epoch Times does proper medical reporting when it involves illegal immigrants
Will they sell cookies ?
When demonstrable truth is called “hate speech” and censored/deleted, it can only be a tyrannical exercise by today’s new-and-imporved fascism. Today’s rendition of fascist tyranny - the combination of most every western state (except Hungary!) and their willing henchmen in huge commercial enterprises like Alphabet (and all it owns, like youtube), facebook (and all it owns), and the rest of the usual suspects in the MSM - is by far superior to and effective than anything the Hitlers, Stalins et. al. ever dreamed of. It has accomplished about a 50% level of willing support of its subjects in only a few generations. This is likely due in large part to their absolute control of the “educational” establishment from top to bottom. Witness celebration of murderous barbarians on university campuses, along with blatant Jew-hatred and calls for extermination. These latter are not “hate speech”; they are amplified and approved by the MSM!
Their covid reporting has been excellent