The Crazy Years

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To an extent. But we ALSO have distance. Do you really believe the culture of Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, or even Texas gets along with Massachusetts. But they are far enough apart that they can “do their own thing” without impinging upon each other.

That said, the single most interesting, and apparently dominant, aspect of islam is that it fights with everyone. Look at the wars going on around the world and fully 75% or more are muslims vs someone else.


This would not have happened if Burt Reynolds was still alive:


A while back, apparent changes in Biden’s appearance led some to assume he had been replaced with a double. Photos of past Biden suggested he had detached earlobes; whereas photos of the current one suggested attached.

This video shows Biden with a detached left earlobe and an attached right.


From the “I have a scorecard and I still can’t tell the players” file:


This article from the Express is just confusing, or confused. Perhaps it indicates that quality of journalism in the UK is no better than that in US legacy media.

Membership in the Commonwealth of Nations has nothing to do with having the British monarch as head of state (in Commonwealth terms, being a “Commonwealth realm”). Among the 56 Commonwealth members, only 15 are Commonwealth realms. Five are monarchies with their own sovereigns (Brunei, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malaysia, and Tonga), and the remaining 36 are republics with their own heads of state. In November 2021, Barbados changed its status from Commonwealth realm to republic, but this did not affect its Commonwealth membership in any way: it remains a member in good standing.

The Commonwealth includes a wide variety of republics, constitutional monarchies (Tonga), an absolute monarchy (Eswatini [former Swaziland]), and an Islamic absolute monarchy (Brunei). Most Commonwealth members were former British colonies or possessions, but some members: Rwanda, Mozambique, Gabon, and Togo had no former constitutional relationship with the UK or any other Commonwealth nation.

Individual Commonwealth members opting to change to republic status and name their own head of state in no way places “Commonwealth countries at risk” any more than India and Pakistan are “at risk” for having been republics since 1947.

Seen at the Belize High Commission in London in August, 2021.


That’s rich. A muzzie Turk talking about occupied land. Bastards.


Cremation, which accounts for more than half of burials, is an energy-intensive process that emits chemicals such as CO2 into the air. Through human composting, or natural organic reduction (NOR), the body is naturally broken down into soil.

Assembly Bill 351, drafted by assembly member Cristina Garcia, allows for the natural organic reduction of human remains to soil, as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial methods.

”With climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere,” Garcia said in a statement.


I thought most European burials were about composting the body in a wooden coffin in a cemetery.

I can understand the benefits of cremation in India in presence of abundant disease, and proximity to groundwater.


It’s not so much the composting, but the reason for it that disturbs me. I wonder how long until this ritual is not just an option, but every citizen’s final duty to the planet.


This is just your periodic reminder that Japan lies to the north, south, east, and west of Korea (North and South).

Japan also has a higher elevation point (Mount Fuji, 3776 m) and lowest point (Hachiro-gata, −4 m) than Korea (Paektu-san, 2744 m in North Korea) and sea level in both Koreas.


Attention to detail at the European Space Agency.


I made a screen shot in case they eventually fix it.


Here’s the Daily Mail’s version:


I am worried that they felt the need to mention “after death”.


They started that stuff back in the 90’s. My troops use to laugh that “the colonel was ‘not warm and fuzzy’”.


California really has changed from the End of the Rainbow to the End of the Sewer Pipe!

Much of what we know about pre-historic societies comes from analysis of their burial customs. For millennia, human societies placed great emphasis on the treatment of the dead. Egypt’s pyramids are only the most dramatic example. But almost every society felt the need to build structures and bury the dead with care.

Now it is moving towards toss the body in the Insinkerator and forget about the bum. Huge societal change!


And now here’s something we hope you really enjoy:

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